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[LEGEND] Versatile Priest - Diamond 5 to Legend

  • Last updated Apr 29, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Galakrond Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 13400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/22/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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Hi Guys, I would like to share a deck I used to reach Legend for the very first time after playing HS for 5+years. I usually hover around rank 14-10 due to not feeling the motivation for reaching Legend, but after the new rank system I feel its easier and I tried to push it.


Legend Priest

Update as per 04/30 : Mulligan Guide 

If you suspect (or sure) you are facing aggro type like Hunter / DH / Warrior (Bomb type / Rush Type / Weapon Type, they are all fast, and deadly) : Keep cheap removals like Holy SmitePenanceHoly Nova and Breath of the Infinite , Mull away costy minions / cards and keep cheap ones to trade up.

Midrange / Versatile Decks like Spell Mage / Highlander Mage / Highlander Rogue / Gala Rogue / Gala Lock : Keep low cost minions like Madame LazulBloodmage ThalnosPsychopompBad Luck AlbatrossSethekk Veilweaver+ some cheap removal spells if you got it on initial Mulligan, 

Late Game / Controls like Spell Druid / Embiggen Druid : Keep Convincing InfiltratiorPsychopomp and removals like Soul MirrorHoly Nova

vs Priest : Mulligan like versus midrange deck, but Keep Galakrond and/or Kronx Dragonhoof 


Before I explain the tactics, kindly read some paragraphs below, trust me it helps.

From Gold - Diamond 5 , I used Gala Lock with Zephrys and Alex , but it was too easy for my opponent to predict. People know what to prepare, while DH and Face Hunter happily helps you chip down your health while you busy Life tapping to get your cards.

I mainly play priest because I like a concept of Unbreakable Defense and Mind games (oh sweet Thoughtsteal , but we are not using this Card here)

The usual deck type of Resurrect Priest is too slow, and Other Priest decks are sometimes too reactive. With the recent Priest Changes, it was stated by (I forgot his name) that the New Priest weakness would be CARD DRAW.

No more sweet Northshire Cleric , no more cheap draw from Power Word: Shield

Realizing this after being squashed by DH that keeps emoting "How is it even possible" after defeating me while I hold too many reactive cards, or while I have no cards to answer his Kayn Sunfury or when I don't have enough mana yet to use Plague of Death or Mass Resurrection ,

I realized I have to rely on cheap early removal on early games against Aggro decks, not just building up wall and hopefully I can use Mass Resurrection on time.

Mid range decks (like Spell Mage, Libram Pala, Secret Rogue) : ruin card draw & Highlander deck with Bad Luck Albatross , build up defenses  with Convincing Infiltrator and Khartut Defender (yes this is still a reactive type) while setting up your Win Conditions* (there are several, as below)

Winning Conditions : 

1. Clear Up aggro deck minions with cheap removals like Holy SmitePenanceHoly Nova and Breath of the InfiniteApotheosis

2. Neutralize Mid game threats with Convincing Infiltrator and Khartut Defender , while saving up removals like Soul MirrorPlague of Death , Shadow Word: Ruin

3. Generate values from Sethekk Veilweaver , but sometimes you have to play this card even if you can just play 1 spell to force your opponent to answer it, as Galakrond later might generate this card, be flexible.

4. For Control decks, sustain late game with value from Galakrond. Soul Mirror 

Why : 

- Only 1 Mass Resurrection and 1 Plague of Death : as this is not a pure Resurrect deck,  and you will realize DH and Face Hunters will emote you while defeating you with you have 7 cards in your Hand. Sweet Baby Jesus.

Archmage Vargoth this card freak out your Opponent, and sometimes its useful to use Renew to get double value.

Bloodmage Thalnos : on my 2nd last game before I reach Legend, a DH emoted me several times after I played this card and resurrect it with Psychopomp ,  I win this game because of extra three cards from Bloodmage Thalnos 's deathrattle were Holy NovaPenance and Khartut Defender

- Madame Lazul helped to see your Opponent cards and win me games sometimes. 

- Why no sweet Psyche Split : this card is a Win-more card, I realized by the time I can use this with Sethekk Veilweaver (means need 7 mana) , my Opponent would have a beefy healthy sixpack Minions on board or I already concede while these two cards are still in my Hand...

- Why no Timebender Murozond the Infinite : Another reactive card, too situational, I feel bad when I draw it early game, I gobbled up by greed when I hold it too long to wait for perfect moment to use it, TOO situational and the weight of greed sometimes squash away a winning.

Tips as per 04/24 : 

- If you have Kronx Dragonhoof in hand but not yet draw Galakrond and you don't have other minions to play, don't hesitate to play this card. Yes the 5 damage AOE and the 8/8 taunt dragon is sweet but Priest's main weakness is Card Draw. Keep up tempo + draw card by playing this. Unless you have Galakrond in hand already, then Galakrond first even though there is no beefy biggie minion to kill. 

- One thing I noticed when versus another Priest, do not be greedy in using Psychopomp to resurrect Bad Luck Albatross , yes you ruined their card draw, but usually we Priests a.k.a Mindbenders have arrays of defensive cards (yes, it will be a longggg match). You will lose if you give them too many Albatross cards to survive the Fatigue damage.


Closing Note : 

This deck is a versatile and reactive at some point, depend on your Opponent's type.

My tips for reaching legend is to not rush, trust me, the desire to play blooms up high in Diamond 1, but only play when you are relaxed, not in bad mood after lose. Turn off and rest for a while if you lose, examine the reason why you lose (this is the reason why this Deck was born). Play because you want to have fun, to feel the power of Shadows and Lights to defeat your enemies (I'm a WoW player too). I had my heart pounding when I play my final match to Legend, but I keep telling myself to relax, as this is just a game. Why I play this game? to have fun. 

If you can reach Legend or made improvement in your rank with this Deck, Congratulations and I'm glad I can help. If you can't , I'm sorry but I hope you find luck in other Decks.


Thank you for your time, good luck and all the best!