71% Highlander Mage D5 - Legend(Sparks)
- Last updated May 22, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Highlander Mage
- Crafting Cost: 18900
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/22/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
- SparksW
- Registered User
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Total Deck Rating
Hi !This deck is made after the demon hunter nerf on 20/4
*Update* 22/5 Made legend with this list again! This time not as great but still very good 60%!Swapped Stickyfinger with avocation again
Here is the may stats
1/5/20 ~Thank you for all the positive (and also negative)comments that was given and i am really happy that both the versions of this deck that i made in this page is getting a lot of recognition and popularity!As i am typing this ,both version of this deck is currently siting at the top 4 best highlander mage list in HSreplay where both are 60%winrate
Thank you kiwii for showcasing my deck!!!
Thanks for the upvotes! Please give me some time to do the guide
Mulligan Guide
Against aggro decks
keep :Arcane Breath,Frostbolt,Hench-Clan Hog steed,Imprisoned Observer,Bone Wraith,Hippogryph,Zephrys the Great,Astronomancer
Against control decks
Keep:Zephrys the Great,Astronomancer Solarian,Malygos,Aspect of Magic,Dragoncaster,if you have Dragoncaster in hand ,keep another dragon as well,Escaped Manasaber
Hardest matchups:i think face hunter is the hardest matchup for this deck ,against face hunter,just try to keep the early cards and play aggressively while trying to survive to the late game.Spell druid are also quite difficult but with decent draw there is a chance you can win.
Big druid is also a hard matchup but winnable with a good starting hand ,don't waste your big board clears as some of their minions are not targetable by spells
Winnable matchups: Highlander Galakrond rogues are an even matchup that requires you to understand the opponent very well ,remember to kill his lackey in turn 6 and play Khadgar with Deep Freeze and Power of Creation to gain big board presence but do not go all in when opponent haven'tZephrys the Great,if not just give pressure on the board while not over committing your board and setup lethal with a Alexstrasza while having sticky minions on board.Same case for galakrond rogue but for this matchup you can just apply pressure on the board and play much more aggressively but remember to ping his secret on his lackeys and play spells to trigger his secret while his hand is almost full.
Tempo demon hunter is another winnable matchup where you should just keep your early cards and maintain board presence and freeze his face when you can .
Easy Matchup:
Priest decks are easy to win as you can outvalue him easily while still maintaining board presence,just remember to maximise the value gain from your cards,Khadgar with power of creation /deep freeze and conjurer's calling combo.When playing Astronomancer Solarian,just kill him with your cheap spells before they try to steal away your prime
Warlock decks are easy matchups as well ,just play around his Plague of Flames and Dark Skies and you can outvalue him pretty easily with your big board clears,just don't waste your big board clears on small minions.
I don't think i covered everything ,but just ask me in the comment section if you have trouble playing this deck because it definitely needs time to learn.
This is my first time creating a guide ,please correct me if im wrong sometime ,because there is definitely a better mage player out there
-Evocation,+Doomsayer (early board clearance)or Water Elemental (good way to freeze weapon attack good against bomb warrior or demon hunter)or Acidic Swamp Ooze(to destroy weapons,not good for bomb warrior as they might get their weapon back)/Kobold Stickyfinger
People in the comment section pointed out thatEvocation can be replaced for Ice Barrier which i think is a good replacement
-Hippogryph,+Twillight Drake/Azure Explorer
The server i played in is Asia server ,so matchups popularity will be different.
Add me on HS if u want to see me play Sparks#1524(Asia Server)
Shoutout to frankbgaming for playing this deck!He was doing very good at this deck with close to 70% winrate as well !->https://www.twitch.tv/frankbgaming
Great deck - very balanced and very noskill. This is what you need -Broken cards. Forget about skill. JUst copy this deck and think that you are good player . hahahahh!
Im 14/9 with the deck, went fro Platimun 3 to Diamond 9, I think it takes some time to get to know the deck but once you know how to make the best out of it, it can get really fun to play a deck like this.
I made some changes because i dont have some of the legendaries, I replaced Kalecgos and Malygos with Big Ol' Whelp and the Azure Explorer.
Nt: Ive been having some trouble with secret Rogue, Advice?
Rogue's secret is really not big of a deal ,just remember to trigger his bambooze on lackeys .Don't trigger his dirty tricks if you alr is pressuring him on board.his keep zeph and amazing reno for his edwin unless u are very sure he cant make it big because ur spells with Reno the Relicologist can only deep maximum of 10.u can use conjurer calling on his edwin if it becomes too big too.Just remember to play ur cards right and also dont go all out on khadgar + deep freeze and power of creation if he havent play his shiv .Im 20-12 against rogue currently and i will say 60 percent of the rogues i met are secret rogues .
Thanks for the quick reply¡¡¡¡
I'll try to play more carefully then, good luck on your games
Drop a conjures calling or creation of power without Khadgar to bait out his Shiv, then you can drop Khadgar and conjures calling, etc.
Work on getting those legendaries, they will help you immensely. (I went back and dusted all my 'GOLD' cards from wild sets which helped. Only if the gold ones were extras) just what I did, not something you have to. Good luck!
Just my two cents - this deck is hella expensive to make and takes some practice to really get comfy with it. It also takes a little time to learn what other decks are being played, to work around them...
This deck is very strong and has a LOT of powerful cards that can easily sway the fight in your favor. When it works, it works really well.
I found that it obviously has a good bit of RNG, but if you are playing it properly this is minimized quite a bit. (I did use a Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron and got a Pyroblast AND Frostbolt to the face once), but generally, it's a great 'break-in-case-of-emergency card which is fun!
This deck is also a little late game at times and that means you can get hurt by fast, face decks. If you draw well, even they aren't a major challenge, but I've lost to several face decks by turn 7, holding five 8-mana cards.
I also made one change for my ladder, which was removing Evocation and putting in Acidic Swamp Ooze. This counters a lot of weapons I am seeing and Evo isn't as much help.
I'd like to have more low-cost minions to help the early game, but overall this deck has been pretty awesome...
I have just returned to the game after 2 years and managed to climb from Silver 10 to Diamond 10 in 2 days. Winrate has been about 67%, but I'm mostly on mobile so not 100% sure. HSreplay has me at 60% for the games I've played on my PC.
Great work on this deck and good luck to the rest.
Great deck, takes practice, expensive, and a little slow. Winrate about 67%. Climbed S-10 to D10 in 2 days.
+Acidic Swamp Ooze
Yes ,i agree .Evocation is not working well for me as well and i swap it out for kobold stickyfinger for more fun factor but is pretty situational at times and slow ,but when you can steal the opponent at turn 5,warglaives or wrench calibur ,its going to be so much fun and rewarding !
absolutely useless deck
You are either very lucky or paid a lot of money to Bugzard!
This deck is way too much depends on RNG: Reno, PuzzleBox, and Solarian Prime gave me much more lost games than wins.
Reno loves to hit my face with Pyroblast, Solarian Prime loves to cast conjurer's calling and summoning strong creatures for my opponent and PuzzleBox of F...... Idiots has done soooooo many bad things for me that I was very close to disenchanting that crap card...
How do you not get wrecked by murloc pally, zoo, and DH? Toughest matchups I think so far...
Hi,i agree zoo is a tough matchup ,but not murlock pally for me as im 7-0 against them in legend rank now.Its also listed 70% winrate in hsreplay ,maybe you can check how others had mulligan against them if you find that my mulligan guide is not helping enough.For DH as they are running a priestess of fury and raging felscreamer build they are now harder to deal with if you didnt manage to get those early hands ,i think evocation can be replaced for doomsayer ,ice barrier or flameward or even acidic swamp ooze which i think can do better against those decks.Cheers!
Thanks Sparks, I guess I'll keep trying. I definitely like the Doomsayer idea as Evocation is usually just stuck in my hand.
One thing I found with DH's is to try and freeze their hero whenever you can in the mid-game. Avoid them being able to use their weapon and they get so screwed sometimes. They tend to be very fast, so if you get a bad starting hand then you might be just screwed. If you get lucky on discovering a counterspell secret, then I will pick it up and play it on turn 5 or 6 to try and burn their Guldan's Skull.
Works for me to legend, good deck
i did a replacement for Evocation, ice barrier!
OK I'll give it a crack - but I've had to replace a few cards
Evocation > Magic Trick
Solarian > Doomsayer
Khadgar > Twilight Drake
Why the Hippogryph instead of Twilight Drake? That's the only change I would suggest to you. There are things you could consider like Maiev and Frost nova saved me sometimes in another version but I see they aren't necessary.
Yea twillight drake can be substitute if you are facing against control or more value decks .Hippogryph is my way to deal with satyr observer. Maiev is kinda slow for me but is very useful against big druid and i feel that froze nova can only save me temporary .The reason i have hippogryph is because it can help snowball the game if it is able to keep up with the tempo afterwards.I see how those 3 cards u mention is very useful at times,If that works for u ,you should definitely make the change ;)
Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say thank you. Went from Rank 2 Diamond and 0 stars to Legend with roughly a 70% win rate. I play only on mobile or iPad so I don't have any pictures of stats. But was a smooth ride to legend with this baby. Thanks again!
Thanks!nice to hear you do well with this