71% Highlander Mage D5 - Legend(Sparks)
- Last updated May 22, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Highlander Mage
- Crafting Cost: 18900
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/22/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
- SparksW
- Registered User
- 1
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Total Deck Rating
Hi !This deck is made after the demon hunter nerf on 20/4
*Update* 22/5 Made legend with this list again! This time not as great but still very good 60%!Swapped Stickyfinger with avocation again
Here is the may stats
1/5/20 ~Thank you for all the positive (and also negative)comments that was given and i am really happy that both the versions of this deck that i made in this page is getting a lot of recognition and popularity!As i am typing this ,both version of this deck is currently siting at the top 4 best highlander mage list in HSreplay where both are 60%winrate
Thank you kiwii for showcasing my deck!!!
Thanks for the upvotes! Please give me some time to do the guide
Mulligan Guide
Against aggro decks
keep :Arcane Breath,Frostbolt,Hench-Clan Hog steed,Imprisoned Observer,Bone Wraith,Hippogryph,Zephrys the Great,Astronomancer
Against control decks
Keep:Zephrys the Great,Astronomancer Solarian,Malygos,Aspect of Magic,Dragoncaster,if you have Dragoncaster in hand ,keep another dragon as well,Escaped Manasaber
Hardest matchups:i think face hunter is the hardest matchup for this deck ,against face hunter,just try to keep the early cards and play aggressively while trying to survive to the late game.Spell druid are also quite difficult but with decent draw there is a chance you can win.
Big druid is also a hard matchup but winnable with a good starting hand ,don't waste your big board clears as some of their minions are not targetable by spells
Winnable matchups: Highlander Galakrond rogues are an even matchup that requires you to understand the opponent very well ,remember to kill his lackey in turn 6 and play Khadgar with Deep Freeze and Power of Creation to gain big board presence but do not go all in when opponent haven'tZephrys the Great,if not just give pressure on the board while not over committing your board and setup lethal with a Alexstrasza while having sticky minions on board.Same case for galakrond rogue but for this matchup you can just apply pressure on the board and play much more aggressively but remember to ping his secret on his lackeys and play spells to trigger his secret while his hand is almost full.
Tempo demon hunter is another winnable matchup where you should just keep your early cards and maintain board presence and freeze his face when you can .
Easy Matchup:
Priest decks are easy to win as you can outvalue him easily while still maintaining board presence,just remember to maximise the value gain from your cards,Khadgar with power of creation /deep freeze and conjurer's calling combo.When playing Astronomancer Solarian,just kill him with your cheap spells before they try to steal away your prime
Warlock decks are easy matchups as well ,just play around his Plague of Flames and Dark Skies and you can outvalue him pretty easily with your big board clears,just don't waste your big board clears on small minions.
I don't think i covered everything ,but just ask me in the comment section if you have trouble playing this deck because it definitely needs time to learn.
This is my first time creating a guide ,please correct me if im wrong sometime ,because there is definitely a better mage player out there
-Evocation,+Doomsayer (early board clearance)or Water Elemental (good way to freeze weapon attack good against bomb warrior or demon hunter)or Acidic Swamp Ooze(to destroy weapons,not good for bomb warrior as they might get their weapon back)/Kobold Stickyfinger
People in the comment section pointed out thatEvocation can be replaced for Ice Barrier which i think is a good replacement
-Hippogryph,+Twillight Drake/Azure Explorer
The server i played in is Asia server ,so matchups popularity will be different.
Add me on HS if u want to see me play Sparks#1524(Asia Server)
Shoutout to frankbgaming for playing this deck!He was doing very good at this deck with close to 70% winrate as well !->https://www.twitch.tv/frankbgaming
Currently 6-2 with this deck. Played 4 times against Demon Hunter and did 2-2.
I'm bringing news, my actual score is 20-5 (80% winrate) and I'm loving this deck! Thank you :)
nice !thats even doing better than me !
Just a HUGE thank you for my first ever legend rating. I'm still shaking, it's been YEARS in the making (started playing in the first release version) and my previous best was a rank 4 in the old ladder.
I used your old variant with sticky finger instead of evocation - no real feeling for whether it was an improvement but I'll trust you.
Faced a lot of hunters and demon hunters on the way, and won relatively comfortably (D5 to legend took about 3 hours).
Standout highlight for me was going up against a hunter, getting "well played" as i was on 17 health with no board on turn 6 against a heavy board.
Dragoncaller => Puzzlebox (classic), ending with plague of silence into the shaman 10 mana 3x5/6 taunts.
Such a great feeling.
I would like to see them 10 games against priest
currently 8-3 against priest and hsreplay showshat its 65% against priest which is highly favoured
I really wanna play this deck but I dont have Reno, and the only way to get that is through the solo adv.
removed (no answer)
another p2w deck, yay
Kadgar is literally the only mage card I don’t have lol so I replaced it with Font of Power. Even though this isn’t a spell only deck it turned out to be super useful. I’ve gotten kadgar multiple times. The discoverability has saved my ass a lot. Great deck otherwise it’s my favorite mage deck right now!
Wow every Mage runnig this now.. and people say DH is op..^^ + since u only play vs DH or Mage the game is boring.
Great guide and deck! just pointing out that in the warlock part of the guide you mention plague of death and i think you meant plague of flames xD
this deck is completly useless, you are completly sold vs agro who are 70% of oponents... better results with spells deck...
If I could upvote multiple times, I would. Hit legend for the first time with this.
Thanks a bunch!
very nice to hear it !this is also the first time i hit legend with a mage too !
replacement for Reno and Manasaber ???
Cant craft them so i build the rest
im so sorry i dont think there is something that could replace amazing reno ,mana saber can be replaced with a water elemental or a twilight drake .u can try experiment a few replacement for reno if u want ,but i will not recommend u wasting much dust if u dont have amazing reno
Truly fuckin cancer. GG Activision. Please create 30 zephyr the great card with battlecry "Discover perfect card". Now we will all have fun :) ... not only those garbage highlander players.
U literally have to play with 30 different cards just to play Zephyr. And even then is easily fucked up by some random 3 mana bird or bomb weapon.
No its not. Dont try to blind me with your bullshit senteces ok? If you dont understand current meta and its problem then go and do some investigation.