80%WR to Legend with Evolve Shaman
- Last updated May 27, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 24 Minions
- 4 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Evolve Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 5540
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/17/2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
- loom91
- Registered User
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Total Deck Rating
I had been experimenting with quest evolve shaman this expansion, but I realised the games I won were usually not through quest value but Boggspine Knuckles tempo. So I rebuilt it as a deck that's looking to create massive board swings around turn 6/7 and close out the game. It works really well, I went 16-6 to legend last season, then 19-5 to legend this season!
(Larger sample stats for my previous build are now available on HSReplay and it was showing 55% WR in Diamond and Legend - https://hsreplay.net/decks/jqeryYnpj55JrMH7NAD8vb/#rankRange=DIAMOND_THROUGH_LEGEND )
And the best part is it's not an expensive deck at all. Maiev and The Lurker Below are the only legendaries I'm running, and both are replaceable (though Maiev at least is very good, in this deck and generally). More discussion on replacements below.
The main win condition is to equip the weapon on 5 (or 4 with coin) , play free Dread Corsairs and swing to evolve them into 5 drops, then next turn play Desert Hare hopefully with Mogu and swing again to get a giant board, creating overwhelming board tempo against aggro and threatening Bloodlust lethal against control. Carefully plan your overload cards because you rarely want to delay playing the weapon.
Remember that this is not a straight up curve deck where you're trying to vomit out your hand. Especially against control, you need to play to swing turns. Don't just slam your Desert Hare if you have the weapon in hand. Three 1/1s on turn 3 are very likely to get cleared, but three 4 drops on turn 5 or 6 are much harder to deal with for the current suite of board clears in standard. It might be better to freeze/Maiev an opposing minion rather than clear it if that helps you play Mogu Mutate the next turn. Sometimes it's better to hold a lackey and float 1 mana if you think you need to activate Weaponized Wasp the next turn. Plan ahead!
Mulligan guide
The power card of the deck is Boggspine Knuckles, it's very difficult to win without drawing at least one, so mostly that's what you're looking for in the mulligan against every deck. If you have Knuckles you want to keep synergy cards like Desert Hare, Dread Corsair and Mogu. You probably want to keep 1 drops against aggressive decks. Mogu+Mutate is also a combo worth keeping.
Against AoE focused classes like Demon Hunter, Warlock and Druid you want to prioritise Mogu, while against single target removal focused classes like Rogue you want to prioritise Desert Hare.
Card replacements
When replacing cards, you want to think about what kind of decks you are mostly facing/are popular based on meta reports. If it's a lot of aggro, you want to cut greedy cards for better early game and tempo, but if it's a lot of control you want to switch low value cards for higher value/more burst. Pay attention to the curve though - you don't want to pass an early turn so don't cut all your 2-drops for example. For this, you can't just go by mana cost of the card alone, you have to think of what turn you want to play that card. You can't play Desert Hare before turn 6, Weaponized Wap is often a 4-drop because you need to play a lackey with it, Hoard Pillager is a late-game value card etc.
Against aggro: you can cut a copy of Hoard Pillager, Evil Cable Rat (not a great card in any matchup, but you need at least one copy to support Wasps), Bogstrok Clacker. You can put in Serpentshrine Portal, Surging Tempest, Storm's Wrath, Stormforged Axe (especially great against demon hunters, but remember to cut Hoard Pillager), Imprisoned Vilefiend.
Against control: you can cut Imprisoned Vilefiend, Frozen Shadoweaver, The Lurker Below. You can put in Bloodlust, Escaped Manasaber, Gnomish Inventor, Swampqueen Hagatha.
I'm just not cut for evolve shaman, been trying a few constellations but I'm more 50/50 with them.
there's no way this deck can get anyone to legend in today's aggro world.
Happy to have achieved the impossible then :) Of course there's a grand total of 1 aggro deck in this meta - arguably the least aggressive meta in Hearthstone history.
super budget +1 :P~~~ I faced this opponent sometime ago once and his development is formidably quick.
I nearly arrive at diamond and you almost brings me back to the Shamanic class after so many seasons....
I have put it down long long ago when Galakrond is not longer value enough to confront crazy rogue/priest/mage/DH/warrior.
The reason of the stuck maybe I do not have The Lurker Below, and I swap it with a Stormforged Axe.
But at least I do advance many ranks. Thanks for your guide which is very helpful.
After playing sometime, I feel that the mulligan Boggspine Knuckles is really very very important win condition which tip everything. What other win conditions should I pay attention to , too?
Do you think Plague of Murlocs is useful? :P~~~
I have come seen cases where I have 7 small minions and oppo cannot remove them at all, and I got no transform to make use of the advantages.
Bloodlust is better than Plague of Murlocs no? If you have 7 minions, just deal 21 extra damage to face and usually you win. I think 2x Bloodlust can be good if you don't run into a lot of DH. Lurker Below is not needed, play Axe or Serpentshrine Portal or Surging Tempest instead.
I don't keep anything in mulligan if I don't have Knuckles, but if I have both Mogu and Mutate I'll keep that (maybe not against Priest though).
Looks like a greatly constructed deck actually. though Wondering if it makes sense to go to 2 ofs rather then the couple 1 ofs in there. I can see where to 3/5 rush might be pretty good. play dormant, set up for a later evolve and also be able to trade.
Yeah some of the cards have potential to be 2of - Serpentshrine Portal, Vilefiend, Scorpid - but I don't have enough information yet.
Generally if 2 cards are of similar quality, I think it's better to play 1 of each rather than 2 of either. There's value in the flexibility, because in the subset of games where you draw both, you rarely want to have 2 cards in hand that do the same thing.
I will try it out doubt it will get me to legend but congrats (: