CtL - Murlocs #AoO
- Last updated Nov 15, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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- 24 Minions
- 4 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Murloc Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 10820
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/14/2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
- Kapharna
- Registered User
- 3
- 40
- 32
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
A solid 67% winrate on HSReplay:
Hi guys,
Got legend again with Tip the Scales murloc Paladin!
The cards added for this deck in the Ashes of Outland expansion are pretty good!
The first cards if Murgur Murgurgle, a fine anti board clear card. A card always to keep in your opening hand, and its Prime version has a good survivability. DON'T feel bad about summoning the Prime version from your deck. It's meant to bring tempo, and at that moment it probably does. You are only going to use its battlecry every 15 games or so.
The second Paladin card added to the deck is Underlight Angling Rod. Finally a good 3/2 weapon to use in this deck. It often gives you valuable murlocs and sometimes gives you that exact murloc to curve out nicely. However, you can only run ONE copy of this.
The last new card added is Felfin Navigator, a well statted minion to follow up your early board. Its stats improve your survivability against other aggro decks where its battlecry helps you to play around board clears.
Mulligan guide
Always keep in any matchup in order:
#1: Prismatic Lens
#2: Murloc Tidecaller
#3: Rockpool Hunter
#4a: Murmy
#4b: Sir Finley Mrrgglton
#4c: Murgur Murgurgle
Never keep any of these cards:
-Tip the Scales - Too expensive
-Bluegill Warrior - (unless against mech pally with a Toxfin [/card]in hand!) Want to pull out of deck
-[card]Old Murk-Eye - Want to pull out of deck
-Murloc Warleader (unless you have 3 other 1-drops with coin against an aggro matchup!) - Want to pull out of deck
-Sunkeeper Tarim - Too expensive
-Zephrys the Great (Unless you have prismatic lens against a control matchup and already a 1 AND 2-drop with coin :))
After some more games I decided to make the following changes:
-Cut Finja, Flying Star for Loatheb with better overall succes.
-Cut Coghammer (finally) for Unidentified Maul, better in many cases :)
Thanks for deck. Got legend in 2 days.
Thank you for the amazing deck. Do you play Murloc Tidecaller on turn 1 or do you keep it before playing tip of the scales ?
Thank you
You always play it on turn 1 if possible ;)
This deck is disgusting to play against. Removed the opponents board pretty much every turn but it didn't even matter. I'm so salty.
What can I say except you're welcome!
Love your deck! .)
Just like to have one silence in any deck, what card would you substitute it for pls?
Personally I dont think any silence would help that well, since Zephrys is already offering you ways out. You could take out the 1 mana 2/1 for a Spellbreaker/Maiev
Just wanted to thank you for this deck.
I was stuck at diamond 7 with an exodia mage deck and decided to switch to your deck. Was quickly able to get to diamond 5 which I was really ecstatic about.
For the last 5 days I've been trying to see if I could reach legend. Spent a long time going back and forth between rank 1, 1 star rank 2, 0 stars but I finally made legend last night! The last 3 games was nerve racking.
General question: if I start with 10 bonus stars next season, at what point will I drop to 0 bonus stars? Is it diamond 5?
Thanks again!
Hi, thank you for your nice message! Happy to see others climb the ladder using MORE MURLOCS haha. Regarding your ranking question, the bonus stars drop by 1 for each ranked floor. Meaing that from bronze 10 starting with 10 star bonus, you lose a bonus following this trend (I believe, check other forums for info):
-9 star bonus at bronze 5
-8 star bonus at silver 10
-7 star bonus at silver 5
-6 star bonus at gold 10
-5 star bonus at gold 5
-4 star bonus at platinum 10
-3 star bonus at platinum 5
-2 star bonus at diamond 10 :)
This deck almost feels like cheating, very easy to play. Also for me, first time legend.
Thank you very much.
Really, really great and entertaining deck to play! I faced it a couple of times at legend and decided to try it out for myself. Managed to climb out of the gutter from ~2500 to 292 with a 71 % win rate (44-18). I was getting so tired of just playing and facing the same old Demon Hunters and Quest Mages. This deck is a breath of fresh air.
Found the deck on hsreplay, stats as of today:
I feel honoured my dude. GG
Some sick looking stats my dude!
Hello, I really want to say I apreciated your deck, I have never hit legend before and to be honest I was quite afraid to make this deck because it's a bit expensive in dust, but I have 0 regrets now! The Murlocs are OP!!! In less than 3 days I went from P5 to Legend. The hardest part was from D5 to legend but I think in 30 games more a less I did it. Just to conclude, I don't have ScaleLord so I was using Gentle Megasaur instead, and it worked just fine !
Again, thanks so much for the deck :)
Great to hear my friend :))
Thank you so much for the deck, just got to Legend for the first time. Reached D1-D2 using Secret Mage, but then stuck there 4 wins from Legend.
Then 5-1 with this deck. Lost only once to lucky super-aggro token DH. Won against spell-druid, token-paladin, even-shaman, secret-mage and highlander-priest.
Mrrrrgll mrrgl mrgl!
Wow...was stuck at D5 forever. Took this deck straight to D1 3 stars (2 losses on the way). 1 win away from legend and lost :( i might make it with this deck for first time!
Mana burn from DH is what mostly kills me.
Great fun deck!
Edit: Yes i made it to legend! Incredible! My first ever time ! It took me maybe 20 games from d5. It crushes most classes except dh.
Thank you!!!! I was shaking the last match...
Odd (or else) DH is quite a pian ye...Prismatic really is required to win games
I would disagree with that. Yes, it is nice to have an early Prismatic, but you still can win a game if things go wrong. 40% of the games I won by doing my Murloc thing( play and buff) and still they had a hard time removing them. Prismatic is a very good finisher or an early board, but I think many would play it as fast as they can and forget to buff them at the same time. Keeping those 1 cost minions will increase the chance to get scales on cost 1 and on turn 5 (if you got charge Murloc that can die at the same turn ---> removing an enemy. It will give you that precious spot on the board for a buff. In this case nor the mage, nor the warlock can stop you.
+1 from me :) Murlocs stick together!
P.S. I went from d5 to Legend with nearly the same version ( removed Coghammer ) 34/4.