NoHandsGamer - Egg Warrior
- Last updated Apr 12, 2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
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- 20 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6220
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/13/2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
- NoHandsGamer
- Pro Player
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I really like the Archetype. Made some gameplay Videos, played this Deck 2times to legend now.
May I kindly ask for a muligan guide?
I swapped the Lance's for Wrenchcalibur's because Bombs feel great and a lot of decks draw a lot right now. I also swapped Vilefiend for Grom for the mega-dunks. Many game winners from Grom.
Love the concept of this deck though and Teron was DEF worth the craft.
sub for Ancharr?
Bump, for the same question.
What can I replace Bomb Wrangler with? Currently thinking about Bladestorm, Leper Gnome, Knofe Juggler
Omg, I am so thankful to you - I reached legend first time thanks to your incredible deck! It does, indeed, require quite a lot of thinking and consideration of your resources - the last three games at diamond 1 were so intense (demon hunter, mage, final boss: demon hunter with a freaking aggressive opening), it felt like my brain was burning, and, for the record, I'm doing my PhD atm xD but it was worth it, a really cool deck, immensely enjoyed playing it (and will definitely play it further)
Wishing you all the best!
budget fine deck +1
can risky skipper be somehow replaced
Nah, the deck falls apart without skipper. Whirlwind has the same cost and effect, but it only triggers once, doesn't come with a body and doesn't have the pirate tag.
Got to legend for the first time with this deck. Holds up very well against Demon Hunters and Galakrond Warlocks with a good opening hand. Don't worry too much if you don't have Teron Gorefiend. He always felt more like a secret weapon than a win condition.
What's a good swap for Teron mate?
I'd say a second Corsair Cache, or Kargath Bladefist.
Thanks mate!
Yup, I also felt I wasn't using Teron Gorefiend a lot - maybe one or two games out of 15... It is nice, however, on a board with lots of bombs or eggs
Very interesting, I would have never thought Egg Warrior would be a thing.
I had to watch some of the video to trust that it was any good, despite the fact NoHandsGamer made such high rank with it. But when you see it in action you go "Hmmm, actually I see it now."