Trump's Quartered
- Last updated Dec 9, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 10540
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/9/2014 (GvG Launch)
- Celermortus
- Registered User
- 2
- 4
- 10
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Whit which card you do recommed swaping bloodhoof with ? Dr Boom ?
Here's a video showing the deck in action. Thanks Celermortus for sharing the decklist! :)
Only watched the first game. There were several misplays from both players. And at 10:18 even a missed lethal. A word of advice: try first shooting a video and then comment it, maybe it will allow for more concentration and better plays.
"As long as you win, there is no missed lethal, only hilarious BM." - TotalBiscuit
very weak against mech Mage and death rattle hunter ie. The entire game after rank 7.
Fun deck but it doesn't change how weak paladin is to the same old aggro rubbish, so I wouldnt advise crafting this if you are rank 7 or above.
I definitely agree with you, I believe I played this deck until rank 7 as well, but after that it was pretty hard to deal with the aggressive meta. I preferred strifecro's pally deck that is currently featured right now. Both fun as hell but I got to rank 5 with Strifecro's variant. It beats all match up but priest LOL.
Hey guys, I featured this deck in one of my videos awhile ago, but if you guys want some gameplay footage before crafting this deck, please check it out! This deck imo is pretty good and consistent as you see in the video. The only flaw that I saw as I climbed up the ladder was the lack of more healing. I eventually substituted Carine for Guardian of Kings, and 1 Zombie Chow and Little Exorcist, for 2x Knife Jugglers. This made the deck a lot better against aggro match-ups and had great synergy with Muster for Battle.
Merry Christmas and happy grinding! :)
Instead of Cairne I use Harrison. Cairne is a bit slowed and silenced much... Also I found myself to remove that damn weapons from hunters & warriors. Instead of Bolvar (I think its usually a death card), I put AW. Will test this.
No way, there is a lot of high cost cards and you wont generally run out of cards as you are not playing super fast. Lay on hands is usually enough to get you through a long game, Adding an acolyte of pain can help if you want early card draw
how high in rank has trump gotten using this deck? Its way way fun and pretty good but is it legend viable as it seems to get rolled by mechmages?
is there any card that can replace Zombie Chow
I´ve made my own version of this deck, and since i dont have/cannot afford some cards yet
Put some extra healing with Guardian of Kings, a early Removal with Seal of Light and i little gimmick with Coghammer
Shielded Minibot is a neat addition for the early turns
Also put Loatheb to prevent magic users
Missing pally legs+ sneeds. What do I use to replace them?
I'd use Loatheb for Bolvar and Sunwalker in place of Tirion. Another piloted sky golem instead of Sneed would make sense, but if you're looking for something @ 8 cost I'd probably go for Kel'Thuzad for synergy with all the deathrattle effects.
Ooh I might have to try that.
Already won me a game. I dropped loatheb turn 5, he dropped sludge belcher. killed belcher with loatheb on turn 6, summoned piloted shredder and recombob on loatheb into doomguard. killed the token and made him burn siphon soul on the doomguard just to slow my roll.
It won't always be that perfect I'm sure, but thanks for the idea :D
Replaced Bolvar with a Harrison Jones because I haven't managed to pull one and I don't think it's worth the 1600 dust to craft just for this one type of deck. Especially when I still need neutral legends that fit in a bunch of decks.
harrison totally better. thinking all those hunters and warriors and their weapons...
Replaced Sky golem and Sylvanass with two sun walkers. Replaced Tirion with Ragnaros. Didn't have Sneed's so I just added an Avenging Wrath.
With these changes the deck may not be as good but it still gets the job done. Keeping Bolvar because that was the first legendary I got from GvG and he is a fairly decent card.
I cut Bolvar for a second Piloted Sky Golem because bolvar is a win more card. The deck is fantastic.