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Tactical Rattler

  • Last updated Dec 8, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/9/2014 (GvG Launch)
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So every now and then when you hit the Play button, be it ranked or casual, you'll run into a Warlock.  What are the chances that they'll be a braindead Zoo or a boring Handlock?  Statistics is a bunch of lies, but let's settle on 90% for the hell of it!  Would it be more interesting if there were...well, more interesting Warlock builds?  Enter the Rattler, the deck that's all about abusing Deathrattle to keep your opponent outnumbered and overpowered!

While this is billed as an aggro deck - since it's all about balls-to-the-walls damage, it requires a little bit of set up putting it in the tempo range - hence, Tactical Rattler.

The early game is all about summoning your weenie deathrattle minions while clearing the board of anything your opponent might summon.  For that reason, Harvest Golems, Haunted Creepers and Loot Hoarders are your best friends alongside the various direct damage spells.  Once you've got a Nerubian Egg on the field, Power Overwhelming and Void Caller in your hand, you've got a stew cooking.  Best case scenario is you get that combo on your fourth turn (or 4 available crystals).  Once you've got your smaller (and slightly bigger!) minions on the field, it's all about keeping a steady tempo - never let the opponent outnumber your minions.  There's no shame in making use of that Shadowflame in combination with one of your stronger ones to clear their side of the board - that's why it's there!  Hellfires are also especially annoying to Zoolock players, since a good number of your minions will just end up spawning tokens while they lose theirs!

Once you're late into the game, it's all about instilling despair.  Cards that let you abuse what Deathrattle minions you have on the board.  Sylvanas + Void Terror is essentially a Mind Control-only-much-better under right circumstances, since you'll also have an 8/8 Void Terror (at least!).

Guys like Kel'Thuzad are here to make sure you can regain your tempo if you ever even slightly lose it, since you'll be able to sacrifice your minions with zero risk - but keep in mind that Kel's effect will reset a Void Terror back to a 3/3 if you kill it off.  And lastly, there's Sneed's Old Shredder.  This is likely the most unnecessary card in the deck, but all the same fits with the theme and genuinely can instill despair.  Anything from a Void Caller, to Baron Rivendare, to Kel'Thuzad being present can make the Shredder extremely scary, but this is by no means a card to rely on.  If anything...it'll just help your opponent hit that concede button faster!


  • This deck is hilariously effective against Zoolocks, but less so against Handlocks.  Hence why the Sludge Belchers and Defenders of Argus are around.  Never ever sacrifice your Taunt minions for a "greater cause."  You need the sponges.
  • This deck also won't do you much good against Priests who utilize extremely beefy minions very early in the game.  While the situation is somewhat similar against Handlocks, Priests can continually heal their big dudes while you're just throwing minions at them.  For this reason, if you run against a Priest, make full use of your direct damage spells.  Yes, even Soulfires when you have a Sylvanas in your hand...
  • Silenced minions aren't your worst enemies.  Once again, if your opponent is a Priest (or makes use of Silences), bait them to waste them on things like Loot Hoarders, Haunted Creepers, or even Sludge Belchers.  You can always sacrifice them for a "greater cause."
  • When playing against Zoolocks, do not use Life Tap unless you absolutely have to.  Then again...if you don't have any useable minions early in the game at that point, you're probably screwed.  Zoolocks have this really annoying zombie-like tendency to always attack your hero, hence against them, you'll always be at a disadvantage when it comes to Hero Health.  Get rid of what you can, and build up your forces at a consistent rate.  You'll be able to outnumber the zoo eventually.


  • Sneed's Old Shredder[/card] <---> Loatheb
  • Darkbomb <---> Mortal Coil
  • If you want something a bit more practical than the Shredder, Loatheb is never ever a bad choice since most of the time it'll stop your opponent from doing anything funny for a turn and give you a  nice 5/5 minion, perfect for a Defender of Argus or Void Terror.  Likewise, Darkbomb can be swapped out with a Mortal Coil.  It all depends on whether you want to deal slightly more damage, or have a slightly better draw chance.  You could technically keep one of each around without hurting the overall deck.