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*Rank 4* N'zoth 17L Renolock

  • Last updated Mar 26, 2020 (Kael'thas Patch)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 19420
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/26/2020 (Kael'thas Patch)
View in Deck Builder
  • Ace1a
  • Registered User
    • 6
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Note that wild does not have a functional meta. I can still get rank 5+ and have done so in the last few seasons despite a meta full of aggro and combo. Blizzard is watching exodia mage, secret mage, dark hour and mechathun lock and mech paladin. They need to balance wild periodically to keep it healthy and fun. We will probably see several nerfs to both formats shortly after the April expansion.

Hello! Warlock is my main class and Renolock is my favorite deck. I can consistently get rank 5 or higher. Let me explain my choice of cards, they are all tier1 or tier0. This guide is just for records in games that occurred in 2020. The meta will drastically change in April, even the rank system will drastically change. We will have bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond and legend ranks.


1. Mistress of Mixtures (c1 t1): Decent heal and N'zoth synergy

2. Kobold Librarian (c1 t1): 1 mana lifetap with a 2/1 body

3. Zephrys the Great (c2 t0): Wish for the perfect card at any point in game

4. Defile (c2 t0): Excellent board clear, especially early game

5. Twisted Knowledge (c2 t1): Discover a powerful card or two depending on luck

6. Chaos Gazer (c3 t0): Hand disruption that's superior to dirty rat

7. Brann Bronzebeard (c3 t1): Double dip on your battlecries

8. SN1P-SN4P (c3 t0): The best minion for early, mid and late game

9. Zola the Gorgon (c3 t1): Reuse a minion of your choice

10. Voidcaller (c4 t0): Cheat out a big demon

11. Twilight Drake (c4 t1): Gain 4/8 stats on average thanks to lifetaps

12. Kazakus (c4 t0): Reno's sidekick, create a powerful game winning potion

13. Hellfire (c4 t0): One of the best board clear in the game

14. Despicable Dreadlord (c5 t1): Powerful aoe vs. aggro, removes tokens

15. Zilliax (c5 t1): Versatile minion that made healbot obsolete

16. Loatheb (c5 t1): Deny your opponent's spells for a turn, winning some games

17. Feugen (c5 t1): Vanilla minion that wins you games with a 11/11

18. Stalagg (c5 t1): Vanilla minion that wins you games with a 11/11

19. Emperor Thaurissan (c6 t0): Discounts your large hand, such insane value

20. Reno Jackson (c6 t0): The superstar of this amazing deck, wins you many games

21. Felfire Potion (c6 t1): Excellent mid game board clear or late game burn

22. Khartut Defender (c6 t1): Decent mid game taunt and heal, great with N'zoth

23. Lord Godfrey (c7 t0): Twisting nether on a stick

24. Twisting Nether (c8 t1): Late game board clear, also useful vs. other N'zoth decks

25. Dragonqueen Alexstrasza (c9 t0): Play three big dragons most of the time

26. Voidlord (c9 t1): Late game super taunt

27. Krul the Unshackled (c9 t0): Cheat out all demons in your hand, often winning games

28. Mal'Ganis (c9 t1): Buff all your demons and make your hero immune

29. N'Zoth, the Corruptor (c10 t0): Instantly regain your board, often winning games

30. Bloodreaver Gul'dan (c10 t0): Instantly regain your board, often winning games