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E.V.I.L. Galakrond Discard-mania

  • Last updated Mar 28, 2020 (Kael'thas Patch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 10180
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/17/2020 (GA Week 4)
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Galakrond Discards are E.V.I.L.

### Galakrond Plot Drawer

### Galakrond Swarmer

Discarding cards (of both yours and opponents) are the unique fun enjoyable only by Warlock. It has been very popular during the Howlfiend era, throwing opponent cards into the void :P~~~. So when Chao Gazer comes out, I instantly like it and always want to create a working E.V.I.L. deck to play it with :P~~~~
(Update: swarmer seems to be easier for the pressuring)

Discarding with many Gazers are fun,
it can potentially destroy every plan of a control / OTK opponent,
and making him running out of options
or conceding out of keycard-discards.

Discarding your own hands, however,
Soulwarden becomes your card factory ! :P~~~

This type of Warlock requires much patience, situational computing,
and guess-menia on opponent's deck;
but it is also super-fun to play with
when you defeat an expensive opponent deck
by throwing his decks all into air. 
Enduring fun and please try

By combining Galakrond, high precision discards, and Soulwarden
the following deck manage to win out some crazy control decks and also some highlanders.

****** The play logic is very simple, but requires patience to build : ******
1. You have precisely 3 to 4 discards chances, depending on deck version.
2. Then its your pick which 2-3 cards you want. Me discard Sacr_Pack, Plague Flame or Galakrond, so that Soulwarden can factory your cards.
(Past version also discards Gazer or Gurubashi or Khartut or Weakening)
3. You discard Soulwarden, then you have a free 6-6 to play. Good against warrior!
4. If you use Gazers, then generate many, and in 1 turn you play 2 gazers, forcing your opponent to discard until handless.

The game is painfully slow but the deck is powerful at later stage.
I think its a 3rd-tier or even 2nd-tier deck ?? :P~~~
It seems to be working somehow, and the budget is attractively low.
Anyway I am still testing and will certainly update the deck later.

As a Warlock, you should have some discard fun with you! :P~~~
If more than 10 likes to this deck,
I would write more on Mulligan, playing and holding strategies, and switching cards .



Past Versions, still very fun :P~~~

### Galakrond With Sacr. Pack and Plague Flame (Cost  ---)

### Galakrond With Sacr. Pack (Cost 6500)#

### Galakrond Gurubashi Offering (Cost 6840)#

### Galakrond Factory, Plague Flames (Cost 6000)

### Galakrond Factory version, Weakness (Cost 5580)

### Combo Weakening Curse  (COST 5940)

### Combo Flame Plague, without Omega agent

### More heal, with Omega Agent

### Quick flow version

### Defensive + Heal version