Highlander galakrond quest shaman
- Last updated Feb 5, 2020 (GA Week 3)
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- 23 Minions
- 6 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Galakrond Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 17980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/5/2020 (GA Week 3)
- Claudiu232
- Registered User
- 1
- 9
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Total Deck Rating
I've been trying to make this archetype work for a while now.
Luckily, it seems like I found a pretty good combination at last.
While being quite similar to other theorycrafts out there, it does quite well in the current meta. A lot of decks run at least a few dragons, maybe even more than last month, which made dragonmaw poacher really useful. Even if the opponent's deck might not run dragons(like quest priest for ex.), it's still gonna be useful for completing the quest. I removed swampqueen hagatha since the deck already has insane value (outvalues pretty much any deck in the current meta). The new 5 mana 5/5 loatheb for battlecries might get removed, i don't really have stats for it right now.
I tried to push the tempo as high as I could without hurting the late game too much. I have no idea if anyone will read this so I'll just stop here. If it gets any interest I can do a detailed tutorial for the deck of needed.
So far I got around 60-65% winrate at ranks 4-3 EU, out of around 30 games.
Hey! Could you make that tutorial? Would be cool to see how you play it (:
Like the deck!
Played this deck last night went 4/5. really fun. do you think you might could sub invocation out? also hireek the bat is the best turn 5 bandersmosh!
I feel like invocation is quite necessary to make galakrond reliable. Unlike the rogue galakrond for example, if you do not fully invoke galakrond in shaman it is quite weak. Well not weak, but not game winning either, which is why you play him.
Regarding bandersmosh, yeah, hi reek is the best highroll, but you can get a lot of nice legendaries out of it. Hands down my favourite card in the deck.
yea i see what your saying, i was just double battlecryin the maniac and the elementalist most of the time. Do you see quest shaman being relevant after shudderwock is out?
You can't always heropower the maniac since it's not such a strong play tempowise.
Regarding the relevance of the quest shaman after shudderwock rotates out, I homestly have no idea. Depends on whether they release good cards to further support it in the next expansions I suppose
Thanks!! I´ll try.