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Wonderwilly Mecha'thun

  • Last updated Apr 27, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Mecha'thun Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 16160
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/3/2020 (GA Week 2)
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Have been playing mecha'thun warlock for several expansions now and truly feel like its a steady meta pick at the moment--win-rate sitting around the 70% range atm. All the destructive AoE clearing of Crazed NetherwingRain of Fire, and Lord Godfrey with the insane draw power of warlock.

Main game plan early on is to build a huge hand to keep clearing options and push back when comfortable. Face damage is irrelevant for this deck, with your only win condition being the Mecha'thun combo. Speaking of that, for those who don't know, the final combo is to play out every card in your deck, leaving onlyPlague of Flames & Mecha'thun (who you've discounted to 9 mana through Galvanizer AFTER playing both copies of Plot Twist). Drawing Plot Twist in the mid-game can help end your quest many turns early, which will help you build up ridiculous mana discounts later.

This deck absolutely totals most control decks, as you should complete your combo much faster than they can, and does pretty well against aggro with warlock's many clears and cheap lifesteals and taunts. Only real problem decks are ones that can out-cheat you early and maintain constant pressure with big bodies (Mostly Big/Wall Druid).

I have put an insane amount of refinement into this list, but it continues to evolve and change every few weeks to fit the meta and new releases, so if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to ask here or in-game Wonderwilly#1393. If this deck receives any attention, I would be happy to do a full write-up for those interested.

~Bonus Note~

This deck is incredible for the current solo adventure on heroic mode. I have used it for just about every single boss, most of the time beating them on the first try.



-Special Thanks-

fauc3t - Zephrys & 2nd Plague of Flames suggestion