Wonderwilly Mecha'thun
- Last updated Apr 27, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 20 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Mecha'thun Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 16160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/3/2020 (GA Week 2)
- Wonderwilly
- Registered User
- 7
- 23
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Have been playing mecha'thun warlock for several expansions now and truly feel like its a steady meta pick at the moment--win-rate sitting around the 70% range atm. All the destructive AoE clearing of Crazed Netherwing, Rain of Fire, and Lord Godfrey with the insane draw power of warlock.
Main game plan early on is to build a huge hand to keep clearing options and push back when comfortable. Face damage is irrelevant for this deck, with your only win condition being the Mecha'thun combo. Speaking of that, for those who don't know, the final combo is to play out every card in your deck, leaving onlyPlague of Flames & Mecha'thun (who you've discounted to 9 mana through Galvanizer AFTER playing both copies of Plot Twist). Drawing Plot Twist in the mid-game can help end your quest many turns early, which will help you build up ridiculous mana discounts later.
This deck absolutely totals most control decks, as you should complete your combo much faster than they can, and does pretty well against aggro with warlock's many clears and cheap lifesteals and taunts. Only real problem decks are ones that can out-cheat you early and maintain constant pressure with big bodies (Mostly Big/Wall Druid).
I have put an insane amount of refinement into this list, but it continues to evolve and change every few weeks to fit the meta and new releases, so if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to ask here or in-game Wonderwilly#1393. If this deck receives any attention, I would be happy to do a full write-up for those interested.
~Bonus Note~
This deck is incredible for the current solo adventure on heroic mode. I have used it for just about every single boss, most of the time beating them on the first try.
-Special Thanks-
fauc3t - Zephrys & 2nd Plague of Flames suggestion
crazed netherwing and soularium were kind of clunky. put in a second plague of flames, one zephrys and one twisting nether. plague of flames turn late voidwalkers, questing adventurers, zephrys and galvanizer into cheap removal. zephrys was an auto include since half the deck was normally in my hand anyway and offered situational healing/removal.
I like the idea of Zephrys, and second plague of flame. I agree that netherwing can be clunky, but I feel like soularium is irreplaceable as it speeds up your quest by 6 draws when used in combination withPlot Twist. I tried using twisting nether previously and didn't like it just due to its high cost, but let me know how it goes for you!
how does this beat hunter i get smoked before i can do anything
Don't be afraid to tap early to draw your life gain and answers. If you don't draw them, you don't draw them, but I beat face hunter more often than not.
this is more useful mecha'thun combo : blatant decoy ( 6 ) --> grim rally ( 1 ) --> plague of flames ( 1 )
it doesn't need galvanizer.
it needs wyrmrest purifier to against hakkar.
@ theAncient It's 4 cards instead of 3, so I'll disagree with you here. Each combo card is equally useless on it's own, so less is better.
Also, in all my games (100+), I have not run into a Hakkar yet. However, if the meta ever swings that way, that's a solid addition.
i always met hakkar priest ( less 10 % ) when i play mecha'thun warlock deck.
i always met face hunter ( over 30% ) when i play hand warlock or galakrond warlock.
i always met resurrect priest ( over 20% ) when i play embiggen druid.
it is weird but always happened to me.
that is why i need wyrmrest purifier when i play mecha'thun warlock.
this is 4 cards, original is 3 cards only ..
look at the bright side, you can clear 5 cards at a once instead of 2 cards when your last turn.
I loved my Mecha’Thun decks with Druid during Doom in The Tomb and various somewhat ok warrior builds. I know warlock is the most viable way and I’ve tried it at times as well. It seems like I always am stuck with The Soularium towards the end (either drew it late or couldn’t draw Mecha’Thun and didn’t wanna burn him) so it fatigued me so so much
Soularium does occasionally get in the way, yes, but I find that it is playable more often than not, and it can speed your quest completion along several turns early, which is key. It sucks when you bottom deck it, but I think the risk is worth the reward here.
Sick deck, what's with the double rain of fire tho?
Board clear I’d imagine. Combined 2 can wipe a board of 2/2 treants, 1 can wipe rogue lackeys, or combine it with another clear to get the extra reach
Exactly. This deck doesn't run very many minions of it's own, and having the cheap board damage is nice. Also helps set up for Mortal Coil and Lord Godfrey.
huh, honestly never used besides slightly meme-ily triggering zzeraku to get an (almost) free 6/6. Will try it out, hadn't considered it as a godfrey assist before either