Ra-Den Highlander Galakrond Shaman
- Last updated Jan 31, 2020 (GA Week 2)
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- 16 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 18580
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/30/2020 (GA Week 2)
- HearthAttakk
- Registered User
- 3
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Ra-Den Highlander Galakrond Shaman. This deck has insane value. I am currently playing it at low legend ranks. The deck so far has excelled at defeating Embiggen Druid which as everyone knows is a huge challenge to defeat at the moment in standard. Not to mention it is a ton of fun!
If you guys are interested in this deck please let me know by upvoting the deck, this way I know if it will be worth it to do a full write up.
5+ Upvotes = Mulligan + Replacements
General Mulligan: Sludge Slurper, Invocation of Frost, Zephrys the Great, The Fist of Ra-den, Galakrond, the Tempest
If you are missing any of the cards in the deck here are some possible inclusions that could fit in this list:
- Zentimo
- Siamat
10+ Upvotes = Full strategy guide
Don't want to be rude, but the deck is fucking garbage for me. Embiggen Druid, Murloc Shaman and both quest and 'normal' aggro hunter completely destroyed me. It's a fun deck in theory, but right now (rank 5 eu) it's absolute crap.
Did you miss the part where it said this was a shaman deck? What do you expect
Such a glorious deck!
Surprised that there's no Feral Spirit in this list or as a sub.
Great deck. Half the time I don't even need to turn into Galakrond or drop Shudderwock, Hagatha does most of the work.
Missed the chance to call this "Fist Control" shaman
Does that make the deck builder a puppeteer...
I was very skeptical given the low HSReplay win rate (45%) , but, tired of Meta decks, I gave this a try. Not only I am having quite good results (7/3 at level 4, btw too few to assess the deck), but it's also very fun to play.
I had paid real money to see the face of my opponent when I muloc-ized his cloning gallery, killing everybody at once, and when he resurrected twice a bunch of murloc :)
that's awesome! nothing better than seeing them resurrect murlocs haha
In mine I run two Corrupt Elementalists and no other invokes. Give it a try, works pretty well!
pretty good idea, can help get Galakrond to full and would rarely mess up the highlander stuff, maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks!
I forgot to mention, dude got a freaking Ysera from Bandersmosh. Thankfully, just being a 5/5, my dragonmaw poacher was able to take care of it.
my bandersmosh turned into hireek on turn 5. instant concede.
Who do you play first (if you can choose)? Hagatha or Galakrond?
Galakrond is better early, Hagatha is good to grind out control match ups. Sometimes it just makes sense to drop hagatha though if you get her from a far sight or something
I just ran in to this deck at rank 4 with my Galakrond Rogue.
It had answers for everything up to and including no less than three Plague of Murlocs from spell lackeys that wrecked my boards repeatedly.
I only beat it through pure luck. A Cobalt Spellkin gave me two Sinister Strikes, and a Zarogs Crown gave me two Malygos.
thats the wincondition of Rogue, pure luck but with discover its more like cheating :(
Dude, I played this deck (a super similar version) and its honestly one of if not my favorite deck right now. Great deck.
when you draw into your Galakrond minions its fine to get 8/8s especially when your opponent doesnt find his 2nd embiggen or Ysera ;)
I see this in one of the few ways to include the new cards but
compared to regular Highlander Shaman this has only 2"win more cards" King Phara and the new Fist. That are not even that strong, while having the same weaknesses like drawing inconsistent your Galakrond minions and beeing very weak the first 4 turns, there's basicially nothing to play until turn 4/5 and even for that you have get good draw.
The Fist and the new spell make it even more difficult to answer Aggro the first turns and mess up your hand. (For which you should include a Taunt)
Maybe it would make sense to have an Mutate or the new card because most Legendaries are kinda weak from stats.