14-3 Legend Evolution Highlander Shaman
- Last updated Jan 29, 2020 (GA Week 2)
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- 16 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 14560
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/29/2020 (GA Week 2)
- RomanKnight
- Registered User
- 6
- 15
- 27
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Total Deck Rating
Hey Guys!
I have tried to create control shaman deck that includes new cards from expansion. The result has exceeded my expectations greatly! 14-3 at 3000-ish legend rank! And best of all, this is really fun to play. No galakrond trash, only pure fun of good old randomness.
Why it works:
- Great control tools
- A lot of AOE
- Good healing options
- Tons of value
- Huge board tempo swings with The Fist of Ra-den + AOE
- Huge swings with Zentimo + Explosive Evolution or Hex
I have faced most type of decks: galakrond warlocks, face hunter, big druid, galakrond rogues, highlander mage, shirvalla paladin. I have managed to beat all, but rogue (faced 2). The deck is really versatile.
Since many of the cards are tech cards, they can easily be replaced to some other options. Just remember, the card has to have strong battlecry or board effect, good possibilities for evolve and not destroy your curve. Don't be greedy, the deck has a lot of value already.
Let me know about your results and enjoy!
highlander is superb :P~~~ but i am missing several legendary and cannot afford
Fun deck. Currently 5-2 at rank 10, but I am sure I made some mistakes.
Two spells to use in combowith Zentimo. I wonder how many times you can actually draw that combo and if it is really worth the card slot
3 spells. MUtate, evolution on own minions (including Zentimo) and Hex as defensive tool. ALso, you discover spells through lackey, Vulpera Scoundrel and Haunting Vision. It gives so big swing, that trust me, its worth. It has won me several games.