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[WILD] Odd-a-mental

  • Last updated Nov 23, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Odd Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 12860
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/29/2020 (GA Week 2)
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This deck's got a lot of firepower and is holding its own against all manner of decks. Having a lot of fun with it after the expansion. Funny that the only new card in it is Gyreworm, but it fits remarkably well. I seldom use a tracker, so I'm not sure of the stats. I've made legend in the past, now enjoy casual more than the ladder. I've climbed to low Diamond so far this season with it. Hardest match ups are decks with super wide boards. Feedback is always welcome. Hope you enjoy.

Above all, play around your elemental synergies. Drop a Fire Fly then hold onto that Flame Elemental for a later turn to activate a battle cry. That said, depending on your hand or board, you might need to drop something without activation (Ex: a turn 5 or 6 Bonfire Elemental is usually better on board rather than waiting till you can draw - especially if it activates something else next turn). Try to make value trades, ping away their board early, and eek out board control. In the mid-late game, if you don't have it already have board control, use your offensive battle cries to clear out big minions, otherwise, go face. 

Frost Lich Jaina: I mean... it's a Wild elemental deck. She's your end game. Period.

Arcane Amplifier: 4 damage hero power goes a long way for clearing sticky minions of whittling your opponent down. Daring Fire-Eater + hero power makes great trades, esp on turn 3.

Brann Bronzebeard: With so many battle cries, look size up your opponent and decide how best to use him. He can actually be great bait, since he's not essential for a win condition, but dropping him + Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk on turn 10 is pretty sweet. 

Violet Spellwing: Best for helping clear a pesky aggro board.

Combustion has been a key addition for helping win back the board. Your hero power helps maximize value from it.

Gyreworm: Probably only useful in a deck like this but REALLY useful in a deck this this. I swapped out Forgotten Torches for it (heresy, I know) for two reasons: 1) The elemental activation makes the deck more consistent, and 2) having a 3/2 on the board after the damage is important for this deck. Combined with Brann, 6 damage is sweet. This deck doesn't have a problem dealing damage, so the Roaring Torch, while nice, isn't reason enough to keep it.

Glacial Shard: Solid battlecry + 1-drop elementals are really helpful. Even better with Frost Lich Jaina on the board = instant Water Elemental.

Jandice Barov = value personified – especially if you can drop her then Icy Touch [/card] her. Great with [card]Brann Bronzebeard, but best played for tempo.

Stargazer Luna isn't essential, especially early on. She's great bait but can get you back into the game when it's late and you need several draws. Nice combos with Fire Fly and Violet Spellwing (after a trade).

Devolving Missiles has to be one of the most powerful 1 cost cards ever printed. Best used against Priest and Warlock that wants to rez something.

Brain Freeze is such a consistent card. It's certainly best when comboed, but many times, just freezing something is useful. Don't be afraid to just freeze something.