BIG Paladin Returns!
- Last updated Jan 30, 2020 (GA Week 2)
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- 10 Minions
- 18 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 12400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/27/2020 (GA Week 1)

- Kringle
- Registered User
- 1
- 13
- 27
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Total Deck Rating
With the addition of the new and awesome card, Air Raid I decided to revisit my old favorite deck, BIG Paladin.
UPDATED LIST: I have been playing with the list to see if I can find something more consistent. I switched out 1 damaged stegoton and Sathrovarr for 2 burly shovelfist.
Reason, I found that a 9/9 rush was very powerful immediately out of hand, or off a duel. If I duel and pull the Shovelfist, and kill my dual target (almost 100% chance that will happen) I can immediately attack again and kill something else to keep board control.
With that change I went 6-0. More testing needed.
Basic Strategy:
ALWAYS send back ALL big creatures. keep Archmage Vargoth and maybe Zilliax. Try to get a prismatic lens, or better yet DUEL! in your opening hand. Other good cards to hold are the Mysterious Blade, and possibly a secret or desperate measures, or Air Raid. depending on the opponent.
Once you hit turn ~4-5 Either Prismatic Lens or DUEL to cheat out HUGE minions.
Vargoth's main reason to exist in this deck is double DUEL! Huge minions out that not only are big threats, but also in a pinch works great with all spells in this deck. Double Air Raid, Desperate measures, Consecration are all huge value plays.
Redemption, is OP if it hits the right targets. Best Targets are the divine shield minions, and if they are mechs it helps pump up Kangor's Endless Army.
+10 up-votes and I'll do a full guide.
Well, it works for me, it works like a charm actually. People think they are meeting holy wrath pala or something, then you just prismatic lens a 10/10 collossus and whip it on the table with a Redemption, really funny.
If you see an improvement let me know.
Mmm, fikk lyst på kringle, med kanel og sukker... tester deck! thanks for sharing, looking fun!
Why would this ever work if it's old list with +2x Air Raid + 1x Sathro. Dude, you basically throw in most ancient list which scored at the beginning! of the expansion around 45% and change 3 cards. Just explain why exactly those 3 cards are so damn amazing it's worth playing now.
It's just bad, close to trash but not there. If you score 11-5 with that switch to sth good and you gonna score 14-2 or 15-1 with your luck. Simple.
Because Air Raid is a SPELL that allows you to get some small minions on the board, and go wide. One of the problems with Big paladin is that you would one or 2 huge minions and nothing to protect them.
Also, the extra mana spent on the twin spell to keep a board active plays into getting a free Shirvallah, which means you can play Sathrovarr on her and get 2-3 free 7 damage divine shield rush life steal tigers in a turn +1 in the deck for later. This power play can heal you to full, clear the board, and add value for later.
The extra 1/1 taunts also protect your big threats nicely. Even if you cheat out a giant 9/7 Bulldozer you might want to keep it alive for an extra turn so you can hit face.
Hope this helps
I know what is idea of Sathro and Raid... but there is no chance at all those 3 cards altogether improve winrate that drastically it goes from 45% at the beginning of expansion to reasonable numbers now. I'm almost certain big pally deck building is futile and waste of your time. There is a lot of space for innovations right now and you picked sth that is doomed from the beginning. Don't get it.
I think you should try the deck out.
Air raid gives at least 8 1/1 taunts, maybe more if Vargoth doubles up on the cast, which is really common.
Keeping high tempo is the name of the game. those 1/1 taunts REALLY throw off counter plays, protect face and big assets. This is the big difference maker, the deck is designed to use cheap spells and big minions. Air Raid is a cheap TWINSPELL that gives multiple useful little minions.
Sath is just for the huge tiger healing power play.
I could play it as i have all cards but I don't have to play to know it's bad. Right now from 18 lists i have 15 home cooking and 3 improvements on meta decks and I never thought about touching big pally cuz it's obviously not worth it. If you are a good deck builder you should know data that lessens your work as simply some archetypes can't work at particular time. But i guess you "made" - though it's only improvement, not new list - a deck and you gonna defend it like a lioness cubs.
and I guess you could play test it and see how it feels, but didn't.
The deck is not refined yet either. I'm considering changes based on the huge number of embiggen druids playing right now. Perhaps equality added.
I couldn't afford collossus so I put in anubisath instead and it slaps
This deck is incredibly expensive on dust. That said, let me know how he feels, I love colossus!
If anyone does some play testing, let me know where you think where this can improve. I feel pretty dialed in right now.
Oh ok sure. I did some play testing. I won 2 games and lost 12
This deck is garbage. You lose to nooby face-rush decks over and over.