BIG Paladin Returns!
- Last updated Jan 30, 2020 (GA Week 2)
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- 10 Minions
- 18 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 12400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/27/2020 (GA Week 1)

- Kringle
- Registered User
- 1
- 13
- 27
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Total Deck Rating
With the addition of the new and awesome card, Air Raid I decided to revisit my old favorite deck, BIG Paladin.
UPDATED LIST: I have been playing with the list to see if I can find something more consistent. I switched out 1 damaged stegoton and Sathrovarr for 2 burly shovelfist.
Reason, I found that a 9/9 rush was very powerful immediately out of hand, or off a duel. If I duel and pull the Shovelfist, and kill my dual target (almost 100% chance that will happen) I can immediately attack again and kill something else to keep board control.
With that change I went 6-0. More testing needed.
Basic Strategy:
ALWAYS send back ALL big creatures. keep Archmage Vargoth and maybe Zilliax. Try to get a prismatic lens, or better yet DUEL! in your opening hand. Other good cards to hold are the Mysterious Blade, and possibly a secret or desperate measures, or Air Raid. depending on the opponent.
Once you hit turn ~4-5 Either Prismatic Lens or DUEL to cheat out HUGE minions.
Vargoth's main reason to exist in this deck is double DUEL! Huge minions out that not only are big threats, but also in a pinch works great with all spells in this deck. Double Air Raid, Desperate measures, Consecration are all huge value plays.
Redemption, is OP if it hits the right targets. Best Targets are the divine shield minions, and if they are mechs it helps pump up Kangor's Endless Army.
+10 up-votes and I'll do a full guide.
Dear Hearthstone players, if you're seeing this deck, it's probably because you searched for "most popular" paladin decks or something similar.
I don't know how it became popular, nor do I understand how it got so many upvotes, but I can assure you of one thing: THIS DECK SUCKS.
I only needed a few wins to hit 500 with my paladin, so I was desperate to find anything decent. Unfortunately, I found this deck. It's so unbelievably bad that it actually caused me to dislike the game. Yes, this deck is so bad and so frustrating it will actually make you fall-out-of-love with Hearthstone.
Why is it so bad? The most simple way to describe it is by saying you'll win less than 20% of games. I know this from experience. So what goes wrong? It's fundamentally broken. The way it's supposed to work is: you "cheat" out big minions early. This is done by using duel or prismatic lens. Here's the flaw: the idiot that assembled this deck included cards that will negate the effectiveness of duel & prismatic. Ideally, what you want prismatic to do is swap the cost of a low-level spell like desperate measures with the cost of a high level minion like bull dozer. However, the inclusion of Archmage Vargoth & zilliax can sabotage this desire effect. Furthermore, the medium-high cost of consecration and duel means there are even more chances for your prismatic draws to fail. What you want is a 1-cost bull dozer, but what you end up getting is a 5-cost archmage vargoth. It's frustratingly stupid and broken.
The deck's creator also sabotaged the effectiveness of other cards. Kangor's Endless Army should be great in theory. It SHOULD give you 2 bull dozers and a damaged stegotron for a mere 7 cost. In order for that to happen though, you would have had to play all 3 of those cards already.... which never ever happens. Instead, you're forced to play Zilliax out of desperation because the deck is trash so the board will be full of enemies and your hero will be nearly dead. Thus if you ever do get a chance to play Kangor's, you end up getting a lowly zilliax out of it.
The deck just does not work.... especially right now with the spam/face/lackey meta being so popular. You'll be dead by round 6.
Yeah, sorry - I'm a big fan of Big Paladin, but this deck just doesn't work in this meta anymore. Sure you crush the occasional rogue or hunter. But Embiggen Druid and Rez Priest eat this alive. Not to mention Warlock and Warrior control.
It's just not enough. The mana cheats in this deck are from like... 2 sets back. It's just outclassed by Descent of Dragons. Once the Druid gets one Embiggen out, basically Duel just works against you. This was a fun deck, but it's obsolete.
Do you like getting face rolled by crappy lackey spam decks???!?!?!
You too can go 2-12, just build this deck!
I'm 1-5 with this deck.... it's just not good.
I lose to absolute garbage decks at level 20. Literally wild boar spam decks are beating this deck.
2-9 now.
Maybe it's good at better ranks, but at rank 20 it just gets annihilated by garbage face-rush decks.
If you get absurdly lucky and prism out a 1-cost vargoth to combo with a duel, you have a slim chance to win. More likely you'll have bad luck and pull out vargoth/zilla with a duel card.
If you say the deck is good, prove it with a video.... but I know you can't, because the deck is garbage.
EDIT: 2-11 now... rofl, the deck is trash
Well played. Subbed Nozdomu for Tiger--works great with Call to Adventure (turn 4 10/10).
Fun as Hell, thanks man...
Thanks for posting this deck! I have had som success with it against embiggen Druids, mages and hunters at rank 4-5. It also fun to play something else than boring Druids, Rogues or Priest. Feels like you are playing against the same opponent all over again sometimes :(.
I have had most problems with Rogues and Priests but there is no deck that can bet them all i guess :).
You need some luck with card draw to get duel i think to succeed with this deck. Sometimes a have a lot high cards sitting in my hand and no minions onboard, its hard to play from that situation. If you have a big Mech left in play you can heal nicely with Zilliax, thats great i think.
Replacements for Shirvallah and Kangor's? I don't have them.
They are pretty important.
Replace with anything big
First Match = enbiggen druid lol
There is a place for Nozdormu the Timeless
I thought about it. Maybe.
I'm going to experiment with Noz as another path to cheat big minions and grab tempo.
Played two games with it Vs mage and druid and was an easy win. But it think it will be impossible win Vs face hunter. Air raid with vargoth fills the board really well and gives you another air raid in hand.
But I get to play my fav combo vargoth into duel, love the good old high roll cheese with a new smell.
Yeah, I think that there needs to be a few tweeks to really get away from some of the low roll stuff.
This is the #1 high roll deck right now. If you hit the nuts it's almost impossible for an opponent to come back. I think removing Sathrovarr and replacing him with a different minion or spell is important. He has low rolled a few times for me.
I like the deck. Ignore the haters. Decks must not always just have high winrates but can just be fun. And this deck is fun. And it wins more than it loses at ranks 5-3.
Ya, you're right about the win rate!
2-11 at rank 20 rofllllllllllllll
old list with shit changes... Another downvote
Besides Airraid and Satrovar thats the Basic duel lsit from 2 Seasons ago gz creating something so new.