E.V.I.L. Murloc Dragon Synergy
- Last updated Feb 16, 2020 (GA Week 4)
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- 27 Minions
- 3 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 10440
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/15/2020 (Second DoD Nerfs)
- lobuto99
- Registered User
- 3
- 10
- 25
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Murloc Dragon are E.V.I.L.
###### Mind control + defensive version : GA Week 4 still quite working :P~~~~
###### Mind control + spell fun version
###### Murloc-heavy version
##### A New GA week Shooter version :P~~~
##### A Old deck version
##### Older version which is too slow for current meta, but you can tune from this, too :P~~~
Murlocs in recent meta are very effective and affordable archetype.
They are quick, rushy, powerful, easy play, colorful, and yet very managable :P~~~
and provide freedom for switching cards,
especially when you are Shaman! :P~
By combining Murloc with Dragon and Quest,
the following deck manage to win out the meanest mage and hunter,
while also defend the most expensive Gala fighter and priest.
No need to find other fancy deck when you have the murlocs with you! :P~~
If more than 10 likes to this deck,
I would write more on marique, holding strategies, and switching cards .
Thanks for the likes :P~~~ !!!
The fun elements in this deck include surprisess, when you keep on replaying cards that have already been used and kept yourself alive in front of many attacks. :P~~~
It may be of less use to write strategies now, since new cards are already in.
But it seems the Murloc Dragon is still a good play !
These days you shall see many rushy, buffy, or lengthy enemies, you need to pick the initial cards carefully to counter the correct rivals. Sometime for rushy, you may even need to play Toxfin at 1st round. Since you have quest, in fact it does not hurt when you play a BC for seemingly nothing, it adds to your quest count by 1 !! :P~~~
Rushy : anything 3 or below are good pick. I have tune the deck a bit since we have so many Face Rusher. So we can have more BC and Healing and Small cards. See below.
Buffy : must try get Plagues Murlocs, and Mind Tech can act as transform since it takes the buffed minions away from the enemy deathlist.
Lengthy : try to repeat and get back the swarmer during the play, so that you can sustain for longer time. Make use of the unique Underbelly for this, he is VERY POWERFUL to give you infinite murloc cards !! I have also included Pandarian for this replay surprise purpose in the new version.
Card Switches
There are many possible switches. Here is an example that you may get the idea. Coldlight murloc and Spellkin are just for surprise and fun, and can be switch out. Other BC can also be switched out, as long as you switch in BC. Amalgram does not have BC and can actually be switched out, I just put in for its good body.
You may use murloc-heavy spell-less type of deck.
The freedom is due to the strong win of murloc over other average rush strategies.
Use slosher to take totem for great 2-4 totem minions. :P~~~
Faceless corruptor is also a nice rush to use.
Mind control tech is very useful to against buff meta, but you will need to add 4-6 taunts and swap out some murlocs.
You can turn to AOE by putting in overloads spells and Maximus shooting, very fun :P~~~
I had some difficulkt time and finally lost to mech warrior....
You may need to fine tune a bit to fit the meta :P~~~
these days we have some new cards getting into play and making things complicated.
Yet Murloc is VERY VERY POWERFUL and FUN :P~~~
Hey, slightly improved ur deck (in my opinion). My version oriented on more BC synergy and dragon synergy. Not sure about Cobalt Dragon (Added it just because it dragon, it has BC and it not awful). Plus I dont think that u need so much healing; it does nothing against priest and not helping against hunter. We need to spam table with a lot of cheap murlocks and support them by the dragons, nyeh?
Please answer what are u thinking!
Deck code:
### True EVIL deck (lobuto99 ©)
Thanks for the comment and yeah it is for FUN :P~~~
Your deck looks good and I shall try that :P~~~
I am trying to make one Murloc Dragon Warlock, too.
Seems also very fun. :P~~~
This is an EVIL, EVIL deck
Looks fun, wanna try it for myself :)
P.S. Really want to see here Shudderwock and Frizz Kinderoost.
UPD: Frizz is kinda like 5/4 here. There's not too much draw and dragons, deck oriented on recourses generation. But shudderwock won me a few games, think about it.