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[DoD] Quest Hunter

  • Last updated Dec 22, 2019 (Descent of Dragons)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Quest Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 11240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/15/2019 (Descent of Dragons)
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This is by far the deck I enjoyed the most playing last expansion.
Now it's back.. more powerful than ever!

If you're wondering why there aren't that many cards from the new set, it's because I rather build a solid deck than a fancy one.

STATS (updated on Dec 17)

These stats are from this updated version, the best performing one.
I've played about 40 games with the two previous versions, with an average WR of 70%.
You can follow me on twitter for daily updates on my deck testing:



This archetype isn't easy to pilot, because during the same game you may have to go with different play styles (control, tempo/aggro, combo), depending on 3 factors: your opponent life total, your quest progression and the board state. Understanding when it's the right time to switch (from the control strategy to the "full face" one, for example) is crucial to have good results with this deck.


- Clear the Way: too slow in my opinion. It has synergies for sure but the reward is not good enough to run a potential dead draw when you need something good.
- Shu'ma: it's decent just to complete the quest (but still way worse that Swarm of Locusts).. when the quest is done it sucks cause you cannot buff your tokens, you can just throw it on the board and hope for the best, so in that spot I rather have Boommaster Flark.
- Veranus: this card can be crazy good, but we can make a good use of it only if we are behind with the quest and we need to remove stuff without the quest hero power. So I rather complete my quest faster and pressure with a board full of tokens than trying to control the board that much and that late.
- Revenge of the Wild: this is too situational and you simply don't need it to otk your opponent. I rather have more good standalone cards that this garbage.
- Sea Giant: I think this card is a bait, it can be good for sure but the games where you can play it easily are those where you rather have a taunt than a giant with zero defensive abilities. On the other side, in matchups where we need it the most (against slow control decks for example) it's pretty hard to play cause the opponent will never leave us a full board of tokens.
- Scavenging Hyena: it could fit nicely in this deck but I think it deserves the "31th spot" so it's not good enough, although it synergizes a lot with all the rush beasts.


The mulligan strategy doesn't change that much between aggro matchups and the slower ones.

You are always playing quest on turn 1 so you want to keep Springpaw and every 2-drop, exept for Knife Juggler. If you already have one of these, you can also keep Desert Spear cause it's our best 3-drop. If you are against a slower matchup you may consider keeping SN1P-SN4P or Swarm of Locusts, just one of these two.

You always look for Springpaw and 2-drops and also keep Desert Spear. Unless you're against an aggressive deck you should always keep Swarm of Locusts as well, to play it on turn 5 with coin. If your opponent is a slow matchup SN1P-SN4P is also worth keep but if you already kept Swarm of Locusts play this one on turn 5 and SN1P-SN4P on 6, to not lose value due to his deathrattle locking your board.


This deck's goal is pretty simple: complete the quest as fast as possible (turn 7-8 on average) and abuse your hero power to destroy your opponent.
Our strongest combo is Leeroy Jenkins + Unleash the Hounds + HeroPower on turn 10, to deliver at least 14dmg if the opponent's board is empty, +3dmg for every enemy minion in play (so 29dmg with 5 minions on the enemy board, with no taunt of course).

Usually, when you're on coin, your most valuable options to use it are...
- on turn 2, to coin out a 3-drop (like Desert Spear or SN1P-SN4P)
- on turn 4, to coin out Faceless Corruptor if you have a token on the board
- on turn 5 (almost always the best choice), to coin out Swarm of Locusts or double SN1P-SN4P (if you have both go for the swarm first)

Always quest on t1.
Keeping in mind mulligan tips, you have good chance to hit some early drop like Questing Explorer, Hench-Clan Hogsteed and Springpaw. Hero powering on t2 it's fine too and it will happen sometimes, unless you're on coin.
On t3 your best play is Desert Spear but also playing SN1P-SN4P, Microtech Controller or Animal Companion it's fine.
If you manage to stick 2 minions on the board (or even just 1 minion with a Desert Spear in play) t4 becomes a wonderful spot for Cult Master, the most powerful draw engine of this deck (do not use it on curve if it doesn't draw at least 2 cards). On this turn you can also play Bone Wraith, a good defensive card that recently replaced Houndmaster Shaw in this list.
T5 is a nice spot with the coin for the previous reasons. Without the coin though you can still go for a powerful play with Faceless Corruptor or with a 2-drop like Knife Juggler and a 3-drop.
T6 is the right time to boost up the quest progression with Swarm of Locust (+7 on the quest counter) or double SN1P-SN4P (+6 over 2 turns). Halazzi, the Lynx is also a reasonable play but a bit of a tempo loss (if you play it, make sure to get at least 4-5 linxes and to not overdraw).
On t7 we usually push to complete the quest on the spot or at least on the following turn.
Now that you completed the quest, you can switch to a more aggressive gameplan and start setting dangerous board each turn (while trading with your rush minions). If you have Unleash the Hounds in hand, keep track of your burst potential each turn and wait to use it (unless you have lethal or if it's really necessary) until you get the full combo with Leeroy Jenkins or Leokk out of Animal Companion... maybe even double Unleash can get you there, so keep always track of the damage potential.

Even if our curve is pretty much the same no matter who we are facing, our way of dealing with the board (or not) depends a lot on who's our op and how much it will take to complete our quest. 90% of the times we just want to trade everything with our rush minions, until we change hero power and we start setting threatening boards each turn. But there are few spots, in some games, where our op will do the trades for us.. in those cases you should not lose face dmg, even if it's just a couple. In every other situation just trade off all the stuff.


- Against quest druid should be a slightly favorable match
- Other druids like the dragon one are too slow to compete with us.
- Treant/token druid may be an issue if it can stick a solid board, so trade efficiently and play around savage roar and soul of the forest.
- Hunter is mainly highlander, wich is a close to an even matchup. The way they can win is by pushing a lot of damage in the mid game, so trade efficiently and try to save Zilliax for a huge heal with quest hero power or magnetizing it to a SN1P-SN4P.
- If you're against Face Hunter it could be a really tough matchup. If they start with their side quest on t1 our chance to win are pretty low. Our winning plan are just two: the first way is to kill them before they kill us, possible only through raw minion pressure (like faceless corruptor on t5) and without our quest hero power (there's not enough time); the second way is to find Zilliax in time and squeeze all the possible healing out of it.
- Highlander mage is ok matchup, unless they do optimal use of their freeze effect (wich could be painful, since we want to play a lot of minions every turn). They can also shut down the game with some huge highroll of Power of Creation or just an early Luna's Pocket Galaxy. We usually win this with an Unleash the Hounds combo.
- Cyclone mage is not that popular but I think it's a slightly easier matchup than the highlander one.
- Paladin could be OTK, in that case it's a favorable matchup since their 2x Time Out are not enough to be out of our burst range.
- Other paladins like the Highlander one should be slightly favorable too, cause they fight for the board but we just counter their efforts until the quest is done.. then they die.
- Priest could be Combo, wich is by far our worst matchup, in that case you should always trade everything while planning to complete the quest asap. If you do so you may win, but usually they kill you before turn 7-8.
- If it's a slow priest, unless it's a taunt resurrect one, you should be good.
- Tempo rogue should be an hard matchup but I managed to have a positive wr against them so I think it's just matter of practice. Always play for board control and you should win with the usual Unleash after t8-9.
- If it's deathrattle though, try to not pop their big boys if you can, cause they cannot a lot of the times due to our minions low stats. Uness the magnetize Zilliax on a Mechanical Dragon you should be fine.
- So, shaman is basically just Galakrond. It's surprisingly a good matchup (around 80% wr) and it's crazy cause I think that nothing is highly favorable against it (exept for old ctrl warrior, maybe) so, 80% seems a nice score to me! The matchup is not that different to a tempo rogue one: play for board control in the early and mid game, then set up lethal around turn 9-10. Due to shaman's nature of going wide on board, a lot of the times you'll win just with one Unleash the Hounds, so always keep in check your burst potential. The issue against shaman is the pressure that cards like their Galakrond can make, but if you survive long enough you win on the long run. The worst scenario for you is when they play too many taunts with Dragon's Pack or Titanic Lackey (this one can be the worst if Shudderwock gets played).
- Warlock is more likely to be an Handlock, wich is a good matchup I guess. Just always trade and don't commit on a board too much. Be careful if a Mountain Giant is played cause it can deliver a lot of dmg. You basically never lose this matchup unless they become the aggressor.
- Zoolock instead should be EZ win, cause they try to do what we do (in the early game) but they don't get a new OP hero power in the mid/late game, so just trade everything off and you should be fine.
- If it's tempo Galakrond should be fine, we have way more tools to win the board.
- Against pirate warrior we may struggle to survive until the quest is over cause they SMORC a lot and we only got few taunts.
- If Control Warrior will be a thing again, we'll have probably a slightly unfavorable matchup against it, but not an unwinnable one.


Why I included these cards:
Animal Companion: just a single copy of it cause it's more useful in the late game, but also nice if played on curve for tempo.
Diving Gryphon: just a powerful card draw and rush minion all in one, auto include.
Halazzi, the Lynx: it's like an extra swarm of locusts that has better synergies with cards like Cult Master.
Boommaster Flark: simply too good after the quest or to complete it exactly (0/2 bombs cannot attack otherwise).. better than Shu'ma for sure! That card is barely decent only before the quest (but garbage if compared to Swarm)
Knife Juggler: in this deck jugglers can shoot a lot! I won games just with knifes where double jugglers survived couple turn on the board.
Microtech Controller: an extra 3-drop to boost our quest and to synergize with Zilliax [/card],[card]Faceless Corruptor and Knife Juggler.
Bone Wraith: it recently replaced Houndmaster Shaw to be more defensive on curve against aggro, cause Shaw on curve almost never survived and it was good only around t6-t7 when we already wave better cards to play.
Cult Master: this card is nuts, can cycle half of your deck in a single turn if played right and I would never swap it for a Tracking. Usually I play it on turn 4-5 only if it draws me at least 2 cards, otherwise I just wait for a good spot cause if it's played well it wins me the game.
Faceless Corruptor: tis card is just broken and it synergize with tokens, so it's an auto include in this list.
Giggling Inventor: I know, it seems too slow after its nerf, but I can tell for sure that it's not. It's a perfect inclusion for this list cause it's just good to play on t7 for your quest progression (+3) and to get 2 divine shield taunts in play. On t9 is also nice because it defends you while developing a board with your hero power.


If you miss some card you can try replacing it with one of these (depending on the mana cost and the role of the replaced card):
- 2nd copy of Animal Companion
- Veranus
- Sea Giant
- Shu'ma
- Desert Hare
- Scavenging Hyena

KDK made a showcase of the deck