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[DoD] Invoking Dragon/Galakrond Priest

  • Last updated Dec 12, 2019 (Descent of Dragons)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Galakrond Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 10500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/10/2019 (Descent of Dragons)
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  • Battle Tag:

    GiaQuando #2470

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Having played around 20 games with Galakrond priest.

I noticed that while he is really strong in mid late game in early in lacks power and when you meet an aggro you don't get enough time to do something about it.

This is a (early) version of my Galakrond priest that I will keep on working the next days.

If you got any tips/improvements please let me know

5 Likes = A small guide on how to play the guide

25 Likes = Detailed in depth Guide 

50 Likes :  A video about the deck

Guide :

Generally you want to go for your low cost cards in order to have an early game and try to avoid having more than 1 dragon in your hand since you might get Frizz by turn 4 and the more dragons you have in your deck the greater the value becomes.

Whle you want to do the invokes asap since you will get another priest minion in your hand you  want to keep Madame Lazul for late game since at that time it is the most beneficial to know your opponent's cards.

Legendary replacements :

Kronx Dragonhoof : Honestly do no try to replace that card.It's the best card in the entire deck and it is a really good for a lot of different situations.

Madame LazulFrizz KindleroostMurozond the Infinite : While all of these cards are great and each card has a role to play in case you don't have 1(or more) here are the replacements I recommend.

ChameleosSeancePrincess TalanjiBrightwingEvasive FeywingMindflayer Kaahrj


In Depth Guide :

Ok first things first.This is not an easy deck to play.I would advice some practice in normal games before going to ranked.Since the early game of the deck is neccessary to be as flawless as possible to have a good mid/late game.

Cards to keep during a mulligan :
Any invoke Cards like Disciple of Galakrond and Shield of Galakrond since they help you upgrade Galakrond and refresh your hand at the same time.
Firetree Witchdoctor,Madame Lazul,Divine Hymn,Scalerider

Cards to always Mulligan :
Forbidden Words,Fate Weaver,Omega Medic

Special Mulligan :
Frizz Kindleroost,if you have her in your opening hand mulligan all your drakes and play her asap even at turn 3 with coin if you can.Since it will give you a huge boost in your deck.


Playstyle :
Generally try to simply answer the board of your opponnent in the early game while invoking Galakrond.
When you have upgraded Galakrond to his second of final stage wait for the right moment to play him since he is a board clear and start pushing the board and game.
Also since Murozond the Infinite can't activate battlecries keep him mainly for strong bodies or board clears.
(When the meta settles in a few days I will have a playstyle for each class)


Card Replacements :

Madame Lazul : Seance,Thoughtsteal,Princess Talanji,Siamat,Barista Lynchen
Murozond the Infinite : Mindflayer Kaahrj,Princess Talanji,Plague of Death,Siamat,Archmage Vargoth
Frizz Kindleroost : Mindflayer Kaahrj,Plague of Death,Crowd Roaster,Siamat,Barista Lynchen


Many thanks to KDK for the deck spotlight even though he got really unlucky with his matches <3