Malygos OTK Rogue
- Last updated Dec 17, 2019 (Descent of Dragons)
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- 13 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Malygos Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 11980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/3/2019 (Shaman Nerfs)

- dennishaas
- Registered User
- 4
- 25
- 44
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1. Invoke Galakrond, the Nightmare with Praise Galakrond!, Seal Fate, Shield of Galakrond and upgrade twice.
2. Play a lot of spells with Gadgetzan Auctioneer to empty your deck quickly.
3. Play Malygos and put it back in the deck with Togwaggle's Scheme a couple of times.
4. Play the most upgraded Galakrond, the Nightmare and draw 4x 0-mana Malygos. Deal 46 damage with 2x Sinister Strike.
5. Jobs done.
Whenever 46 damage is not enough to kill your opponent it should be a good idea to run a Platebreaker in the deck for sure.
Garbage. Won't work in this meta. You're dead before you hit turn 6
Uhm, i think you removed Togwaggle's Scheme while editing the deck lol
cant even try in a meta filled with face hunters / pirate warriors
filled* but yeah agreed.
Ive made a malygos otk Rogue deck that is much better then this one. This deck is shit. My deck is shit. Malygos is shit.
Yes true this meta is way too fast for this deck. Sadly :/
No offense. I really wanted this deck to work for me. It just didn't. I don't know why this is up voted so high. I made my contribution and down voted it.
If you're playing Rogue and struggling to find a deck, go to Icy Veins, and find the Lackey Rogue deck, named "Lackey Rogue Deck List Guide - Descent of Dragons December 2019"
This deck is sooooooooooo bad. It does not work.
Been using it for more than 20 matches. 1/4 will win. 1 combo made. GG
I purposely create an ID just to comment on this. really GG
You must be rank 25 lol
Why on earth does this have upvotes in a Meta with Quest Shaman and Pirate Warrior?
Do people really just upvote for THE IDEA?
What utter nonsense this deck is in this Meta
Yeah I know the deck sucks, but this was already upvoted before the expansion went live. I didn't expect that the deck was this weak though.
I wanted this type of deck to work so bad. I've played about 20 games with it, tweaking it here and there and have gotten off the combo ZERO times. It's just way too slow there's no way to get it off. I've been close a couple times and I've won games with it, but there's just no way to draw multiple 0 mana malys with combo unless your opponent is just terrible and passes a late round turn without doing anything.
Awesome Idea, but it's just too slow right now. I hope this will become viable next expansion, when all the Galakrond decks have cooled down.
played 5 games. I only won 1 game which was a turn 2 10/10 van cleef. absolute horseshit against the meta
no chance deck, downvote
I ve played a few games with this deck, maybe like 20 - I ve never used Toggle's scheme - way to slow. IF i menaged to kill somebody with Malygos it was with help of coins or preps, or just simple maly+sinister for 8 more dmg. The aggresive part of the deck is kinda ok, lackys can carry earlygame and help making cheap damage so yo ucan finish them later with maly +2 spells.
But I feel like there is a lot of useless cards, or at least non-optimal ones. I like the idea of Maly galakrond rogue, but I'm afraid you need to make it faster and with less complicated combo.
I don't play in malygos version of galakrond rogue. But I play in common version. You hand in every moment after 4 turn is full. If you want miracle rogue with galakrond, you can have trouble with overdraw. Cause this you can burn your malygos, maybe.
After assessing the meta, I think otk might just be too slow. I still think malygos is possible, but needs to be a more tempo oriented deck or a deck that actually makes use of galakrond. I did some necrium apothecary shenanigans and added some more tempoey stuff and it seems to be better
On EU Server = 0 Chance with this deck !
You cant live long enough to draw your whole deck with auctionator cause in most cases the opponent rush you down !
This Deck will possible work vs control decks.
But vs aggro decks = gg in most cases for the opponent ;)
Same here. only managed to win a couple matches by luck. Had the combo ready but still had like a third of my deck left. Managed to get a 0 cost Malygos from Wandrous Wand was able to draw 3 of them and get 26 damage all in the same turn.
It's a really fun deck but it's difficult to have the HP left and empty your deck and also invoke enough before you get murdered.