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OTK Miracle Lackey Malygos

  • Last updated Oct 16, 2019 (Doom in the Tomb)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Malygos Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/17/2019 (Doom in the Tomb)
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Hey y'all,

First deck ever posted so if I forget something let me know. I haven't seen this version around yet and have been having a blast with it. I wanted to try and make a miracle malygos rogue deck work with Emperor Thaurissan enabling the full OTK combo. I tried using the quest and felt like it was fun but too inconsistent and RNG. Attempted using deathrattles to survive until the combo comes online, but it couldn't deal with aggro. That led me to this: Lackey's can help deal with aggro, generate value, and Heistbaron Toggwaggle and his wand is great card draw that can create some crazy scenarios with the discount.

Generally speaking, you want to draw a ton of cards, survive, and use malygos to finish off or OTK the opponent.

OTK combo: Emperor Thaurassan needs to discount enough cards so that in one turn you can play Malygos and send any combination of 4 direct damage cards to face (Sinister strike, Eviscerate and Shiv). Not everything needs a discount if you have a prep. If you end up playing an eviscerate early for board control and preventing too much damage, you can always look for additional damage from an ethereal lackey (I've managed to use head crack for lethal).

Other Card choices: 

Bloodmage Thalnos is great with backstab, shiv, eviscerate and fan for board control. He also is another draw mechanic which is key with this deck.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer is there for card draw. You really want to draw into him and have a bunch of cheap spells to play from hand. I often don’t get more than 2-3 cards chained with him, but that’s typically fine and it’s a minion that your opponent will give up a lot to get rid of.

Novice Engineer: you need card draw. Also a great candidate for shadow step.

Shadow step: works really well on EVIL rat, EVIL miscreant, novice engineer, and heistbaron toggwaggle to either create more value or card draw. It’s also combo card for your auctioneer and snowball minions

Questing Adventurer and Edwin create alternate win conditions, can trade well, and absorb damage (great tactic against Flamewaker mage). With all the Lackeys costing only 1, you can make some huge minions, which I find really helpful vs the quest shaman match-up where they don't have a lot of removal options outside of luck from lackeys (I managed a 50% winrate against all shaman decks, majority being quest)

I play on mobile a lot so decktracker isn't fully accurate (only 10 games logged there) but I have probably played ~20 games total. I went from rank 6 to rank 4. Not a huge climb, but I was still tweaking things along the way. I really think a good player could do great with this (which I am not). I had it around 65% winrate for a while before highlander paladin got a lot more popular (thanks Regis)--it's worst match-up. It dominates priest, warlock, n'zoth rogue as they are slow enough to get a true OTK on them. Struggles some with Quest Druid if you aren't able to get an early questing or edwin on board and they gain too much armor for the OTK. But if you get that early questing to stick, it's over. I haven't really gotten many warrior matchups, but my guess is armor will again make this a challenge.

Generally speaking, its a fun deck and in my opinion the most consistent way to play OTK Rogue.

Mulligan: it really depends on the matchup and what cards you get. If you're playing a priest, you pretty much want to look for card draw and heistbaron (if you have him keep lackey generation). You want to get to OTK as fast as possible. For shaman decks, combo priest, quest druid, and mage you want a questing adventurer or edwin with shiv, backstab, and/or lackey generation. I might keep fan against shaman. Sap can be a keep vs any priest deck if the rest of your hand looks solid, but this is pretty rare.

Other card considerations:

  • Jepetto Joybuzz - curious if the card draw will speed it up. There really isn't a single minion in here that doesn't benefit from becoming a 1/1. In my testing so far though it seems slow, but I honestly haven't drawn it enough.
  • Cheap Shot - I've gotten this off of ethereal lackey's before and when you have a questing adventurer out it's a crazy combo.

Let me know what you think and how this works out for you.