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Infinite Lucentbark Druid

  • Last updated Oct 17, 2019 (Doom in the Tomb)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Heal Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 13040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/16/2019 (Doom in the Tomb)
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  • Fleiva
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The key is to use all your cards with 5 max Lucentbarks on board, and have 1x Crystal Power, Baleful Banker and Elise on hand as your last 3 cards. It's important that the remaining heal is Crystal Power and not the 1MP heal generated when used with Keeper Staladris, because this one damages, and you might need that initial 2 dmg on minions to kill your elise to make room for a new one, or to damage 5HP Lucentbarks down to 3 before healing them...resurrecting the rest.

With that you will obtain infinite resurrections for your Lucentbarks. I find this version superior to the Kun variation as it offers way bigger board presence when performing the infinite combo and better board presence up until the completion of the combo.

Be mindful of using N'zoth with 0 minions besides Lucentbarks on board, might end up with 6 Lucentbarks and there's no recovery from that, infinite loop will be ruined.

Adding other deathrattles will only sabotage your N'Zoths and not let you play around stuff, be careful with changes. Loti might be viable but I'm finding it too slow against Shaman and I opted for Bees instead, which is giving me better results. Turn 4 is pretty delicate in this meta and people who ignore bees because of its lack of spell dmg modifier are not approaching this correctly in my opinion. Dealing with a flamewalker or building a board of bees against shaman lackey totem is pretty powerful and eases your board recovery.

You don't need to go crazy strict with the use of the duplicators. All you need is a Lucentbark to die 4 times, you can do that while Flooping Oasis surgers or Glooping 2 taunts. Just be careful with hexes, Floop on hand while playing Lucentbark might save you the game.

Dealing with Zephrys the Great

Probably the main reason for Lucentbark's disappearance until the recent addition of N'Zoth made it viable again.

Zeprhys will offer mass dispel usually on the condition that your rival has a board already established that could benefit from going face, if you're controlling the board he will offer twisting nether instead, even if the rival is smarter and uses Zephrys with 6 mp, he will get MCT if he does not have a board. He won't get Mass Dispel.

Also Mass Dispel does not win him the game unless he has lethal set up, he still needs to clean your board in most occasions, a board that can potentially do some big damage.

N'Zoth will help you recover a board that died to silences, even hexes if you managed to get some Lucentbarks killed before he used them. You have potentially 2 N'Zoths if you save floop for it, that's more than enough to guarantee you maintain a board of Lucentbarks until the end. N'Zoth resurrects all the Lucentbarks that died this game, that includes resurrected ones, so you can build a board of 5 lucentbarks even if you never duplicated it, just by resurrecting the one.

The biggest challenge for learning how to play this deck is controlling the drawing of cards and adapting to matchups. You will need to be careful emptying your hand so you don't get to your last card with cards that will fatigue you badly. Always plan around emptying your hand and the amount of cards remaining if your match requires going infinite.