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Aggro Secret Pally

  • Last updated Sep 19, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 6680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/12/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • x15d
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19.09.2019: Added Card Choices


Always keep: Secretkeeper, Crystology

Going first: Autodefense Matrix (keep if you have Secretkeeper or Sunreaver Spy)

Going second: Brazen Zealot (if you have a secret or Beaming Sidekick). If you think you are against Control Warrior or Mage you can keep Dread Corsair if you have a weapon (or vice-versa).



This deck is extremely aggresive and basic strategy revolves around playing sticky minions in early game and playing secrets to make them even stickier. Keep your early board advantage with value trades until turn 4-5. Then you buff your minions through their own effects or with other cards, and beat your opponent with them (and with weapons). Generally, you should use your coin as early as turn 1 or 2 to get additional tempo. Don't hold back on any card, with this deck you are looking to finish the game as soon as possible. Learn to play with your secrets, as in, expect your opponents future trades/spells to get value from your secrets.


Control (very hard): Going tall is key, pour your buffs heavily on one minion, preferably Brazen Zealot. Ideally you would close out the game with weapons / Leeroy Jenkins. If your opponent is low, but your board is empty, don't tempo Blessing of Kings, save it for Leeroy.

Aggro (medium): You should be looking to get a lead on board as soon as possible, only take value trades that help protect your key minions like Secretkeeper and Brazen Zealot, other than that, go face, you are more aggresive than they are.


Combo (medium to hard): Get and maintain early board advantage at any cost. Start going all face by turn 4-5. Honestly this matchup is more reliant on the luck of their draw than anything else, but still a better matchup than control warrior.

Quest (very hard): Just like control warrior, but this is even harder since they can build big taunts and can play around your secrets by just not attacking anything. Pretty unwinnable.


Murloc (easy): Get early board advantage but don't even bother trading, they don't really play much minions in early turns, and they basically skip their turn on turn 4 to get a big board on turn 5, but you can definitely kill them by turn 5 or 6.

Quest (easy to medium): Get and maintain early board advantage, once you get it they really can't take it back, you should only value trade with micro mummy otherwise because. The only problem is Bone Wraith, but there is really nothing you can do about it.

Highlander (hard): Again, get and maintain early board advantage and hope they don't highroll you. This is a very controllish deck so you face the same problems with control warrior.

Holy Wrath (easy): You farm these guys, just point face. Secrets are mvp in this matchup.


Highlander (medium): Their removal is spell based and they tend to be very slow, so this is a pretty decent matchup. Play around Flame Ward. If they manage to play their freeze cards early you most likely lose. You can't really play around Reno, so don't.

Big Spell (medium to hard): These guys tend to be better built towards aggro decks so you face usual control problems, but definitely not an unwinnable matchup by any means.


Highlander (easy to medium): Secretkeeper is mvp, but play around freezing trap if you can. They have no taunts other than ziliax so just go face, especially don't trade if you get a good read on Snake Trap. Play around secrets.

Mech (easy): Secrets are mvp, keep the board clear as much as possible in the very early turns, but you should not trade too much going into turns like 4-5. Try to make sure game doesn't stall to turns beyond 7 since Venomizer + Missile Launcher is game over for you.


Tempo (easy to medium): You should get a good balance between playing minions and secrets in the early game, since their weapon and Backstab might end the game for you before it even starts. But overall it's a good matchup

Quest (easy): Pretty much the same stuff as tempo, but even easier since their early board presence is very bad.


Zoo (easy): Definitely the easiest matchup. Get and maintain early board advantage, kill them by turn 5-6, you know the drill by now. Playing around Sea Giant helps though.

Quest (easy): SMOrc


Quest (medium): This is actually pretty similar to Murloc Paladin in a way that they both sacrifice their early game to get massive board swings by turn 5, so try to beat them by turn 5, however this matchup is harder since they have more reactive cards like Oasis Surger and Hidden Oasis

Token (easy): Does anyone play this anymore? Seriously I actually haven't faced this matchup once this expansion, but I expect it would be slightly worse than Zoolock, so still pretty easy. Usually if you kill their board completely on turn 4, you win.


Murloc (hard): Their minions and synergies are just better. You can't keep up with them. If you face a lot of them, use Hungry Crabs instead of sidekicks.

Quest (easy to medium): If you play around their cards with correct trades and correct secrets you win this matchup every time. Key cards that you need to play around are Mind Control Tech, Mogu Fleshshaper, Sandstorm Elemental, and Weaponized Wasp. I know it sounds a lot but it actually isn't since you can more or less expect when to see them.



Crystology: The best card you can put in any paladin deck at the moment, in this list it only draws Beaming Sidekick and Secretkeeper, however that tends to be enough as this deck looks to close out games fast


Secretkeeper and Brazen Zealot: These two cards are your main sources of damage in most games, both snowball really well, use your buffs on them.


Beaming Sidekick: Support card for the two above, crystology synergy.


Bellringer Sentry: Pulls out 2 secrets, thins your deck. Best target for Redemption to pull a third secret. Unfortunately his stats are not that great for his mana cost.


Mysterious Blade: Pre-nerf Fiery War Axe, such a good weapon, even if you can't get a secret up 2 mana 2-2 weapon isn't too bad either so don't hesitate to play it.


SN1P-SN4P: Very good minion on it's own, can also be your entire turn 6 or 9 if the game extends that long.


Ziliax: Best neutral card in the game currently, snip snap synergy


Dread Corsair: There are 4 weapons in the deck so this card gives you a lot of tempo in most situations


Leeroy Jenkins: Staple finisher for any aggro deck


Blessing of Kings and Truesilver Champion: Staple cards for almost any paladin deck.


Why is X not in this deck? / Possible Replacements:

Commander Rhyssa: There are a lot to say about this card but to put it briefly there are 2 main reasons why it's not in the deck. First reason is that the best secrets in this deck are Autodefense Matrix and Never Surrender, rhyssa provides no additional benefit with Autodefense Matrix, and most of the time casting a second Never surrender is not necessary to protect your minions. Second reason is that there are not enough secrets in this deck in general to support this card.


Second copies of Redemption and Noble Sacrifice: There are not many good targets for Redemption and most of the time you can't really afford avoid playing minions to get better redemptions since you are an aggro deck, and Autodefense Matrix is just a better version of Noble Sacrifice in any way. 


Micro Mummy: Decent card, very sticky, but not fast enough in my opinion. has mech and crystology synergy though. Feel free to use him if you want to do so.


Hungry Crab: Use if you are running into a lot of murloc decks, also has crystology synergy.


Any silence card: Not necessary as the current popular taunt minions are generally expensive and you look to finish games early. If you still want to use one I recommend one copy of Shieldbreaker.


Consecration: I actually recommend playing maybe even 2 copies of this card if you are running into a lot of aggro matchups.


Desperate Measures: Random secrets are usually not great (Repentance, Eye for an Eye), casting this doesn't buff your Secretkeeper since it's a spell, and it can't be pulled by Bellringer Sentry


Masked Contender: Pulling secrets with this card is not that great in paladin compared to hunter since your secrets are overall worse compared to hunters. 2-4 body on 3 mana is not exciting either. The reason Bellringer Sentry is good while this is not is because sentry pulls 2 secrets and it's great with Redemption


Subject 9: Sure thinning your deck by a lot is nice, but 5 mana 4-4 is definitely not good for an aggro deck, and playing a lot of secrets at once is not too exciting if you don't already have a Secretkeeper in play, not to mention most decks can get secret removal with Zephrys the Great.


Captain Greenskin: If you get his battlecry value this card is actually really good, but problem is you can't always get his battlecry value, and most of the time you can't afford to hold it until you get a weapon up, in which case it is just a 5 mana 5-4.


Tirion Fordring: You are looking to close out games as soon as possible, so most of the time this will be a horrible topdeck for you. Weapon value is not necessary either since there are 4 of them.


Pharaoh's Blessing: Very expensive version of Blessing of Kings, horrible card.


Salhet's Pride: Hate to break it to you, but this card sucks. A lot.