Mill Quest Nzoth Rogue - SoU edition
- Last updated Aug 4, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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- 13 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Mill Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 9140
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/4/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)

- imik
- Staff
- 12
- 49
- 164
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
As you can see, this deck offers a multiple win-conditions:
1) Play Anka, play deathrattle minion on the board, copy the 1 mana deathrattle minion with a Shadow of Death and just mill your opponent, while summoning powerfull taunts, which are healing you.
2) Mill your opponent as normal mill rogue would do.
3) Thief interesting cards and upgrade your heropower to deal basically 3 damage without dealing damage to yourself, which is usefull every time as for a mill deck.
4) Play nzoth and copy him after with Togwaggle Scheme or shadowstep him and play after with Lab Recruiter.
5) Heal with your deathrattle minions and never fatigue!
Basically if you have any improvements or ideas to add, let me know, I would definitely love to do the best deck possible around this playstyle!
Its interesting idea for sure, I have all cards of this deck, i will try it tomorrow and inform you about the result. but If you think the worst case scenarios here, without trying.
1 - You may get some high costs spells from disguise which you cannot play and that prevent to use your oracles, because also your hand is gonna be full.
2 - Deck doesnt contain Sylvanas, Cube, Umbra, etc. so Anka is not that proper for this deck. And 1/1 deathlords are not good in case :) Only Shadow of deaths are not enough for Anka's existance.
3 - Vendettas are too optimistic, If you dont get your steal cards which are only 4 here, they are also high cost cards for low value.
4 - You dont have any drawing cards except murlocs, so you have to get some perfect cards from disguise or henchclan. But they are not zepyhrs :)
5 - If you dont count shadow of deaths you have only two shuffling cards. There are plenty of Reno decks in wild right now, and almost all of them have Skulking Geist which can erase your togwaggle. So your milling is risky for you too.
Without changing your main theory, my suggestion,
-1 Anka. -2 shadow of death, - 2 vendetta, -1 Rotten -1 Henchclan
+1 Mistress of Mixtures
+1 Elven Minstrel
+2 Fan of Knives
+1 Gang Up
+1 Hallucination
+1 Backstab
i played alot of millnozth rogue and while i think anka and shadow of death doesn't fits into the deck i think u should try adding 1X Murloc Tastyfin to get the oracles early for some draw cuz sometimes you really need draw or have a crappy hand also i see little to no reason for the quest as you have the dk in your deck
I think Murloc Tastyfin is bad, because it somehow makes your nzoth worse. (I played all the time without him and It was fine) And quest is just something before you draw the DK.
that is true which is u play him against decks that you know u can beat with mill