Yogg-Saron's Puzzle Box of Dragons
- Last updated Aug 8, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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- 23 Minions
- 7 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Yogg Mage
- Crafting Cost: 12060
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/30/2019 (Rise of the Mech)
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The idea of the deck is to play it like a regular Dragon Conjurer deck, but it has the added twist of the almighty Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron.
It is possible to play 4 of these with the help of Tortollan Pilgrim.
Since Dragon Conjurer mage has a total of 3 spells, then pulling a Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron from Tortollan Pilgrim is guaranteed.
SoU Update: Since the current meta seems to have a lot of aggro/zoo decks, 1x Flamestrike was added and Siamat was removed.
Do you think King Phareos could fit in this deck? It could make a huge board with all those big spells in your hand. But Kalecgos is probably still better.
Yup, I put that in there. I also put in Sunreaver Warmage. Also felt the deck had too much card draw and made me lose tempo especially with Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron overdrawing me a good amount of times.
The decks a lot of fun. Dunno how much longevity it will have but its a lot of fun. Thanks.
NO board clears you don't even get to turn turn 10 to play the card.
There's no meta since today, obviously, but for the decks running around this one seems a bit too slow and lacks any board clear (swarms are The Meta, you know). I really feel like Luna+Galaxy pair is needed there to fasten things up.
In a minion heavy deck it also makes sense to include the galaxy spell. Then if you don't draw it, Tortollan Pillgrim might fish it from your deck.
It would make sense yeah, but for me most of the time, playing that card loses a lot of tempo and pressure on the opponent, which this deck is really good at keeping. It has a lot of game swinging potential, but for me it hasn't worked out that much.
Sad day when I de'd my then 7 cost golden Lunas. About a week later they promptly reduced the cost to 5. Ouch.
This deck and expansion look like it is going to be a whole lot of fun.
this deck looks fun what ya think of my stupid wild casino mage https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1291329-wild-casino-mage :D much random spells
I don't think that 7 mana dude is that good.Most of the time will chose taunt divine shield and there is already a 6 mana 4 5 health taunt divine shield that absolutely nobody uses anywhere. +2 +1 is not worth more than 1 mana so by transitivity, this card won't be very good unless you can do some kind of cheating with it.I would put 1 more dragon instead if you want to guarantee synergy with the 4 mana dude.Haven't seen the rush tag, never mind.
This should now definitely include Naga Sand Witch. Also, isn't Khadgar a must-include in any Conjurer's deck?
Yeah, forgot Khadgar, but I don't think Naga Sand Witch is a must include. It needs some actual testing.
I think it might be also competitive removing the two Tortollan Pilgrim and using the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron only as last chance when you're losing
It would..., but it's not XD
Why not Kalecgos?
Good idea, I personally haven't had the dust to craft it, but it would be a great addition.