LeDawg's Toy Stealer Resurrected v2
- Last updated Feb 25, 2020 (GA Week 4)
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- 19 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Reno Priest
- Crafting Cost: 13260
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/21/2019 (Rise of the Mech)
- heavensend
- Registered User
- 9
- 18
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Blessings to you.
This is an attempt to revive my all time favourite Hearthstone deck, LeDawg's Toy Stealer. Here you can take a look at its original hearthpwn page: Toy Stealer
Galakrond's Renogos' Awakening Update:
Oh boi. What an expansion and adventure! While you were busy with Galakronds eating face, infinite DQ highrolls, time travellers etc. King Anduin tamed clueless whelp Renogos so we are a reno deck now.
Deck's goal is still the same. Steal their toys and break on their own face. Everyone got really powerful cards so I think we can use some of them.
- USE THEIR CARDS AGAINST THEM. Think about your opponent's deck for a little bit in the early game. What cards can you steal from them? What off meta cards can they include? Discover more psychic screams from Shadow Visions that you got from Dr. Op to negate a big priest. Kill mill rogues with their DK hero power. Devolve buffed murloc shaman boards etc.
- I highly suggest playing with a deck tracker. We need to know what cards are still in the deck to properly play Archbishop Benedictus .
- Thief package feels enough. You don't want to over invest into thief cards because it makes your deck weaker overall. Cards like Cabal Shadow Priest, Chameleos, Mind Control or Recombobulator are not included.
- Archbishop Benedictus is there for countering infinite / fatigue / mill decks. You usually want to play him near the end of your deck to negate the Psychic Scream abuse. We have to draw our answers and key cards first.
- Psychic Scream = best board clear of Hearthstone. Crushes aggro players' soul.
Cobalt Spellkin has proven its usefulness in reno quest mage andhis success continues in this deck too.
1 mana priest spellscantrips are great. Mostly heal, sometimes extra value.
Quest Reno Mage: Save Brann Bronzebeard + Envoy of Lazul combo to dig for quest. Brann + Envoy + Time Warp is 10 mana, keep in mind. Steal (literally) their ice block with kezan mystic.
Secret mage: Easy game unless they draw perfect. Brann Bronzebeard + Kezan Mystic yields a concede. Try to use Zephrys the Great [/card] for [card]Harrison Jones or Flare.
Cube Warlock: Look for polymorphs from Zephrys the Great or Kazakus. A well timed Psychic Scream is key to win. Try to discover more of it.
Mecha'thun Warlock: Brann Bronzebeard + Dirty Rat
Mech Hunters/Paladins: Good old reno vs aggro matchup. You either play Reno Jackson on turn 6 or you probably lose.
Odd Paladins: Abuse Psychic Scream.
Mill Rogues: Shadowstep + Archbishop Benedictus = they concede to your power. Don't let them target him with Togwaggle's Scheme because it will evolve into a shitstorm pretty quickly.
Even Shamans: They can take a good beat but they cannot fight infinite value.
Big priest: I feel like we are slightly favored here. Hard mulligan for Potion of Madness. Don't kill their valuable minions unless you have to. We win this by abusing Entomb and Psychic Scream. Try to generate more of them from Shadow Visions or Cleric of Scales. You want to remove cards from play.
- Madame Lazul instead of Curious Glimmerroot is a direct upgrade to the deck.
- Eater of Secrets over Kezan Mystic but I wouldn't recommend. You want that Ice Block from those pesky quest mages to have a chance.
I´m not sure about one random Twilight Whelp, I think 1 doesn´t make a sense for me, I would cut one entomb as you have 2 shadow visions still and if you topdeck 2 entombs against board oriented decks, It Isn´t probably the best. And yet you have a really good value through benedictus.
Why twilight whelp?
1.It acts as a dragon activator. My dragon numbers are low. There were a mathematical discussion at reddit years ago which evaluated the optimum minimum number of dragons and turns out 6 dragons were needed bare minimum, so i aimed for 6. Don't go below 6.
Edit: I've found it: Duskbreaker Math
2.It also acts as a turn 1 2/3 which ease the aggro matchup a lot.
I wouldn't recommend cutting entomb because of the big priests. You cannot win some critical matchups like big priest, mech paladin without it.
Super fun deck <3 ty for sharing this
Np please have fun.
Had 12-2 (86%) around rank 5 while playing it. I played with brann instead of MCT.
Brann is crazy good in this deck but i see mct as more valuable. We need every anti aggro tool in our disposal to survive the first 5 turns of slaughter.
Does playing w/o mct affect you? Or Brann works better?
I think Brann used to surve me as an anti aggro tool more usefully than a MCT would. It's a must-kill target to my opponent and sometimes let's me take a strong turn after because opponent used AEO. Even "sacrificing" him on turn 3 did some really good work and sometimes he even survived and was a good body for removing targets. Obviously the other times I got it off with Curious Glimmerroot or Drakonid Operative and is a really strong combo vs. control.
Also I recently replaced Sideshow Spelleater with Dragonfire Potion.
Sideshow is the oomph of this deck. Also in the new expansion, there will be 9 new juicy hero powers to steal.