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[LEGEND] 62% WR Dragon Shudderwock

  • Last updated Jun 14, 2019 (Rise of the Mech)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 12820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/11/2019 (Rise of the Mech)
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  • Jsnep7
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Hey guys, i climbed to legend this season with this deck. Somehow it feels very strong in the current meta. The dragon pack is good because it gives you some offensive power against the slower decks like pogo rogue.

Deck is hard to play, but very fun and rewarding. You have a ton of options and finding the most efficiënt one is very hard, especially lategame with Hagatha. Finding the right mix between being greedy and just using your clears is always tricky.

Strong cards and synergy's in this deck are:
Hex/Earth shock is very strong in a mech heavy meta.
The dragon pack with firetree means you have a lot more big bodies on board to contest.
Strong hard clears with Zentimo + Hex / Crowd Roaster / 2x hagatha scheme / Big game Hunter. 
Shudderwock is amazing in this deck and can be used as clear, it casts Crowd Roaster's battlecry, big game hunter, gains +1 attack and rush, and the twillight drake. usually it turns into a 8/20 with rush.
Longest breath of all decks, especially with shudder and elysiana combo and Ysera. 

The motto of this deck is, just dont die and win.


Firetree Witchdoctor is always a keep, try to find the dragon synergy with Twilight Drake or Dragonmaw Scorcher

Acolyte of Pain is also a keep. Another body on the board in turn 3 and usually nets you a double draw.

Hagatha's Scheme Is keep except when you play versus Warrior

Lightning Storm Is a keep versus Druid/Hunter/Warlock

Earth Shock keep versus Hunter/Paladin/Shaman/Warlock and Rogue if they have the coin.

Hagatha the Witch Keep versus warrior!

Try to mulligan for these cards in these match-ups. Other solid keeps are Scaleworm Twilight Drake 


Working on it