[Top 200 Legend] Token Murloc Shaman
- Last updated Jun 7, 2019 (Rise of the Mech)
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- 14 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Murloc Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 4320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/4/2019 (Rise of the Mech)
- Lyconik
- Registered User
- 7
- 44
- 65
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Proof of legend :
Took the list from Vicious Syndicate, replace Stormbringer with Electra, and here we go for fast legend !
Mulligan :
Without coin : Sludge Slurper, Underbelly Angler, Zap!, Murloc Tidecaller, Likkim
With coin : Sludge Slurper, Underbelly Angler, Zap!, Spirit of the Frog, Thunderhead
The mulligan part is actually one of the most difficult thing for this deck, since it varies between having the coin or not and facing different archetypes. Some cards like Sludge Slurper, Zap or Underbelly Angler are definitely a keep since they provide value and tempo swing, but Spirit of the Frog and Thunderhead with coin is undeniably good for combo potential.
Now on how to play this deck : This isn't like your typical murloc deck, when you just put a murloc every turn and overwhelm your opponent fast. You have to think 1-2 turns ahead with overload about what you can play or not.
It is sometime wiser to not play during the first turns in order to make a tempo swing with Spirit of the Frog + Thunderhead. The main goal of this deck is having a wide board with Soul of the Murloc and Bloodlust in hand. Likkim is mainly used to keep control on the board early so you can develop yours.
Don't play Underbelly Angler turn 2 without murloc in hand if your opponent can clear it next turn. I've seen many players do it and it's a mistake since it's your main recovery option. I can't count how many games I've won with just Underbelly and another murloc that get me to empty board to full board and hand.
Also, don't be afraid of using Earthen Might on a non-elemental minion if it allow you a good trade. Sometimes it's better to have minions on board than random elemental in hand. If you can, keep the coin after you play Spirit of the Frog since it draw you a 1 mana spell.
The most difficult matchup is against warrior since Warpath is the main threat of the deck. Do not overextend and try to force him to use his ressource while keeping Soul of the Murloc in hand. If they got 2 Warpath and 2 Brawl in hand, you probably would have lose anyway.
Final note : According to HSreplay this deck have a 54% winrate overrall, I personnaly have 59% and still playing around top 200 legend. The meta vary day to day and nobody can tell what deck will be tier 1 next weeks. I strongly believe that this archetype will still be viable until the next expansion since the buff on Thunderhead make overload based deck competitive.
Some replays to showcase what this deck can do :
https://hsreplay.net/replay/wa9vA9JJic4dQadCTsicM4 vs Mech Hunter
https://hsreplay.net/replay/2TfmsSGcem4ef3WrVDXUcT vs Warrior
https://hsreplay.net/replay/3vmR4AjSnXRKTLLikJWxsD vs Shaman
can i replace electra with zentimo?
why don't use lava burst?
I've been working on a similar approach since the release of RoS so I'll try to share my experience. Feral Spirit is, even when played on curve, a mediocre card. At worst, it will mess up the following turn. In the mirror your opponent might just play e.g. Zap! while equipped with Likkim from the previous turn to deal with both minions at once. If questioned about Storm Chaser or Murloc Tastyfin, that comes down to personal preference. Personally, I run a couple more Murlocs so I went for the latter. But what I don't agree with is Electra Stormsurge. She is a great card without doubt but SO much better when used in Aggro/Burn Shaman. Also, don't you feel the 2-mana slot is a little light on minions? I'd suggest to include at least one copy of Hench-Clan Hogsteed. It's a good way to get rid of cheesy snowballs such as Scavenging Hyena and also helps to power up your Murloc Tidecaller. Maybe you could go with a single Earthen Might for a while? Anyway, thumbs up for the effort! :)
Here's my take on it: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1252722-ros-underbelly-underlings
(yeah, there's no Spirit of the Frog but with only 11 spells it's rarely worth it)
Your deck is closer to a full murloc shaman than the build I used. I guess you can ran many variations between this and Aggro Shaman and still have good result with since Thunderhead and Underbelly Angler are busted cards. The main advantage of Feral Spirit is that you draw it for free with Spirit of the Frog so I can see why you don't want to run it if you don't run the spirit. I definitely don't want to cut Electra Stormsurge though since it's great value with Earthen Might or even Bloodlust. I guess you could cut one Voltaic Burst for Earth Shock to deal with mechs and hyena.
Hi! Yesterday is find your deck and try it, because of I have this cards and deck looks very interesting! Thanks for your thoughts and mulligan guide today!
I play something about 6-7 games out of ladder and lost just one.
Then I try it in ladder rank 4 and lost all 4 games but it’s all was very very close to win.
It seems good match up with mech hunter. And yeah, sometimes, skip the turn for more value it’s right choose. Don’t need to play cards every turn.
this deck is utter rubbish, gets destroyed bc you cant control the board
Agreed. Can't get out of rank 14 with this deck. You can get lucky sometimes, but you usually end up with no board if you can't kill em fast.
If you can't get past rank 14 with a murloc deck, you are really bad, lol.
overload deck with the murloc gen package, seems solid. I'd actually be running the bringer as well as bloodlust (well replacing 1 copy), but that's just me.
You really hit legend with this deck ?
Yep, just add the screenshot of my ranking from today.
From your screenshot, it looks like you are French. How can we trust you?
xD French rpz (I'm french too)
Looks like a great deck, could you explain a bit further on how to properly use it for newer players?
Yeah I will write tips and mulligan once I played with this deck a little more in order to get used to certain matchups since the meta is more diverse than ever now.