[RoS] Pogo Rogue (Post Buffs)
- Last updated Jun 3, 2019 (Rise of the Mech)
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- 19 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 13600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/3/2019 (RoS Rogue Nerfs)

- Ichorid
- Registered User
- 1
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- 14
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This deck actually destroyed me pre-buff. It should be top tier, despite what any random Twitch Streamer says. Good luck everyone.
This deck either requires pretty decent amount of luck or some better-than-average draw engine which I don't see here...
Thing is vs aggro u absolutely have to hit both a decent number of pogos (at least 3) and zilliax - otherwise you are dead right on spot, vs good aggro/tempo deck u also have to shuffle additional zilliaxes. Often you can't even control how much u can shuffle(damn u togwaggle scheme) sometimes too many is really bad for future draw consistency.
Seems meme tier, way too unconsistent
Played Pogo-Hopper deck myself, built a faster version and still it was too slow, can't imagine how this could work any better.
why jepetto? so slow
value & memes
probably a secondary or tertiary card.
agreed is slow and could easily be something faster.
I cut Jepetto and a Recruiter to pick up double flurry