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TURN 9 INSTANT OTK - Clockwork Card Dealer Tave...

  • Last updated May 25, 2019 (RoS Rogue Nerfs)
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  • 4 Minions
  • 26 Spells
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!!WARNING!! - This deck is fairly expensive and is only useful in the tavern brawl Clockwork Card Dealer. Make this deck only if you have extra dust lying around that you are willing to spend!

Play style: In this tavern brawl, every turn you will draw a card that costs one more (Turn one is a one cost card, turn two is a two cost etc). The goal is to survive until turn nine, where you can OTK the opponent in one turn. Cards such as hex, Hagatha's scheme, and witches brew will help disable or manage large threats on the board. In order for the one turn finish to occur, Jepetto Joybuzz MUST BE PLAYED ON TURN 8. Make sure you have enough hand space to use his battle cry and you should receive a 1 cost Malygos and Alexstraza. You then play these both turn nine, setting your opponents health to 15 and finishing them with a lava burst and lightning strike or similar combo. Here is an ideal turn list:

1. Draw any of the one cost spells. Use them to stay alive, but make sure to keep one in reserve (preferably frost shock or lightning strike) to one turn otk your opponent.

2. Draw a witches brew or rockbiter, use as needed.

3. Draw a lava burst. HOLD THIS CARD FOR TURN 9

4. Draw hex, use as needed.

5. Draw Hagatha's scheme, use as needed.

6. Draw Rain of frogs. It is a good idea to play this immediately as it will provide protection for the next few turns without overloading turn 8. However judge its use depending on current board.

7. Draw Furious Ettin, use as needed. Most likely will not see any play time, can be replaced with any other 7 cost card.

8. Draw Jepetto, make sure to play him this turn! You should be able to get rid of any extra cards turn 7 so that you have enough hand space.

9. Play the 1 cost Alexstraza and Malygos. Set opponents health to 15, and finish with any combination of Lava Burst, Frost Shock, Totemic Smash, and Lightning Strike. The easiest one to use is lava burst and lightning strike as they have overload and you will not want to use them early in game.