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Top 100 finish Wild: Darkest Hour - April 2019

  • Last updated Apr 30, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 11 Minions
  • 19 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Demonlock
  • Crafting Cost: 12000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/27/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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Here is my version of Darkest Hour. I played this deck exclusively this season, reached top 100 super easily, I should use a deck tracker, I don't play much, like 8-10 games a day top, and still reached top 100.
edit: maintained top 100 till the end of the month.


So what are you trying to achieve? Bloodbloom + Darkest Hour + some stuff on board as soon as you can! And yes it happens 9/10 games, turn 3 (insane luck) to turn 9.

So how do we get the deck to work? Mulligan is important, and kinda weird.

Wild is FULL of aggros, pirate decks, mech hunter, odd paladins.  You can also call them your free wins.

Except vs Priest, so against the 8 other classes, you always keep 1 or 2 Defile, just 1 if you have Demonwrath as well.

Keep the combo pieces: Bloodbloom, Darkest Hour, and Rafaam's Scheme. I don't keep Fiendish Circle

If you have Mana Wraith, keep it in every match up. Toss everything else. Yes toss Voidcaller as well.

Your hand sucks? Plot Twist, that card is broken, reminds me a bit of Brainstorm in MtG. Combining it with The Soularium makes you draw 3 extra cards to shuffle, and you don't lose them at the end of the turn. Plot Twist is what makes the deck pretty consistent.

Now all you have to do is wait to have everything, just remove whatever they play, you have a lot of removals. Feel free to play some imps, people noticed this deck, and trade.
As soon as you have the combo, STOP tapping, just pass. You don't want to draw your minions.

Sacrificial Pact allows you to kill your voidcaller to pull a taunt or Mal'Ganis It allows you to heal of one of your imp or an enemy demon
It also allows you to kill off your Voidlord, get 3 Voidwalker, and play Darkest Hour out of those. This is a pretty rare situation, but comes handy.

The Soularium is either a way to try to do the combo earlier, when you lack 1 card, or combined with plot twist, you play it then play plot twist, to draw 3 cards for 1 mana. Ancestral recall from mtg? kind of.

Bloodbloom just read the card, part of the combo.

Darkbomb is a handy removal, or can kill the freeze mage once ice block is gone and your board is fully freezed.

Defile is a crazy good removal in the wild meta, full of dudes, pirates, murlocs.

Mana Wraith, the card basically reads 2 mana, get a small minion and win a turn, if played early. Coining it against aggro is a good play for me, they can't play their curve, all you want is to gain time. It is also useful to delay Brann Bronzebeard against priest. Denies a turn 7 Lord Godfrey .

Plot Twist is in my opinion one of the most broken card in the game. 2 mana, get a new hand? sign me in! It helps making the combo more consistent, put the minions back in the deck, especially Nerubian Unraveler.

Demonwrath is a good removal, and it doesnt kill your imps!

Rafaam's Scheme is one of the way to get imps out, at a fairly low cost, allowing you to do the combo turn 5, 4 with coin.

Fiendish Circle plays imps, you need stuff to sacrifice/force the opponent to trade a bit.

Imp-losion is another way to play some imps, but requires a minion on board. I sometimes use it on my own stuff to do the combo faster.

Voidcaller pulls those 3 expensive demons from your hand, puts a body on board, very good card in any warlock deck playing demons.

Zilliax is an amazing card. Heal, rush to get board control,  taunt, everything on that card is awesome.

Darkest Hour, do I need to explain that card?

Nerubian Unraveler is a key card in this deck, you want to pull it versus mage, druid, priest, mirror. It stops Mass Hysteria, Poison Seeds (if you are lucky enough to get both) and freeze stuff, mage has a lot (too many?) and can stall you. Shuffle it back versus those match ups.

The Lich King taunt minion that gives you free overall useful cards. Hits the opponent's face hard.

Mal'Ganis, beside being my favorite card ever, is awesome whenever you have demons, or making you immune to that turn 10 Pyroblast face. Hits the opponent's face hard.

Voidlord, awesome taunt, can be pulled from Voidcaller, gives you 3 bodies on board when it dies, those allow you to hardcast Darkest Hour to get 3 better minions, one that could be the 2nd Voidlord.

Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound allows you to pull more stuff after you casted Darkest Hour. Hits the opponent's face hard.

Why no Arch-Villain Rafaam ? because it is a 7/8 taunt with no effect. Playing it from hand turns your deck in a minion based deck, with overall expensive cards that might have synergies, I tried it, and since you want to keep a lot of your stuff, so you basically can't use it as a taunt. Could be a 2nd win condition vs priest or druid with Poison Seeds. I consider that card highly overated and close to garbage.

No Bloodreaver Gul'dan ? Our deck is not a control deck, and you will most likely revive 7 1/1 imps. Dead card overall.

In the meta, you don't want to face priest, Obsidian Statue wrecks your big minions, they revive it 24/7, and Barnes really likes to pull that card, for some reason. And beside that card, Mass Hysteria is a really strong removal against our deck.

Druids running Poison Seeds are pretty hard to beat, it is very cheap so even with 1 Nerubian Unraveler, they will still do it on 6, Spreading Plague on 7, GG. If you pull both Nerubian Unraveler then you insta win.

Mages run a shitload of freezing cards, so you need to pull Nerubian Unraveler, otherweise they will just do: Frost Nova, Frost Nova, Blizzard, Blizzard, Primordial Glyph to play those again, and eventually clear your bord.

To me, this is one of the funniest and most satifying deck I ever played. Farming aggro is just so nice, you get so many rage adds!