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Blessed Mech - New Paladin Archetype

  • Last updated Apr 30, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 4960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/22/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • btlnyc
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Update - 04.30.2019
Update in progress including a new and revised version that is seeing much more success. Stay tuned. I've revised the deck list for now but will update for rationale later. For now, try running this new version. Summon Priest is gaining a lot of traction and so we've added back in another Equality and Ironbeak. Additionally, aggro was outpacing our card draw and CtA and Flash of Light was too slow. I've added in two BoM so improve the speed and effectiveness of card draw. 

Update - 04.28.2019
Strategy Guide v1 is live.
Please click here to view the work in progress. Thank you for your support!

Updated deck list. 

-1 Equality, -1 Mechano-egg, -1 Upgradeable Framebot, -1 Ironbeak Owl. 
+1 Call to Adventure, +2 Coppertail Imposter, +1 Safeguard

Equality was jamming us up with the health changes and simply wasn't getting enough value. Even having two wasn't stopping Priest and Shaman which was the intention. So it's pointless to keep it in there. Mechano-egg was simply too slow. I may go back and add one, but the deck feels more effective than a turn 5 egg drop. Upgradeable Framebot often times didn't have a magnetizing partner to go with and therefore felt slow. Ironbeak Owl can be swapped in as needed, but it wasn't major on my run the last couple of days. 

I found it incredibly helpful when Skaterbot and Glow-Tron were +2/+2. Therefore, I've added another Call to Adventure to help draw as well as provide a good cheap mech. I am currently experimenting with Coppertail Imposter to ensure some sticking mech. It's working very well to me. I am considering only running one though and putting in a Faceless Manipulator to copy a big mech or to copy a Priest minion that is being crucial to their control engine.  Safeguard has been working incredibly well and getting an 0/5 leftover Mech has won me a couple of games already. 


In case you are wondering, I am not a pro player. I'm probably just like you. Usually finish each season casually around Rank 10, but I don't try hard. I am happy to float around Ranks 20-15 when I'm just playing a few games a day.

With this deck, I have climbed from 20 to level 6. I then started to lose a few games here and there and have been straddling level 7 and 8. The deck is performing well up to Rank 5, so your mileage will vary. Trying to figure out what tweaks are needed to the deck, so if you have suggestions, please share

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the deck. It's really fun and it'll help you climb. Will you win a tournament? probably not. But you'll have fun playing something that not everyone else is playing.

Hyperbolic title? Unknown player? Click bait? 

Probably all of the above. But the deck works. I'm telling you. And It's working well. It's still continuing to be fine tuned but nobody knows how to play against it quite yet and it seems to be doing well against the current meta.


Blessed Mech combined the burst damage potential of Blessed Champion with the sticky, quick building board of Mech synergy, and takes advantage of the Mech's high health with Crazed Alchemist

Build a big mech. Reverse the health if you need to with Crazed Alchemist. Burst with Blessed Champion

Why it works
Mechs are cheap and get big fast. But to balance them, their design usually has low attack and high health early. Those cheap minions such as Bronze Gatekeeper and Upgradeable Framebot can produce a 2/10 minion with taunt by turn 3. 

And that's where Crazed Alchemist comes in. By reversing the health and attack of a minion, you can then cast Blessed Champion on it for huge burst potential. Suddenly that 2/10 minion is a 20/2 minion. 

This works because producing large mechs requires constant minion removal. Many decks don't run any more than 2 large creature removal (minus Rogue and Priest ... Mage sometimes too). This allows you to rebuild a large mech to target with Blessed Champion. 

Card Choices:

  • Skaterbot rarely sees play in Mech decks. But it works well here with Paladin because it provides a cheap buff, it is drawable, it can be upgraded with Call to Adventure, and it provides two mechs with Rush during Kangor's Endless Army. It allows us to address board control quickly if necessary. 
  • Crazy Alchemist this card makes the deck much more efficient. It is possible to run it without him, but it has so much value for us. It can immediately break the Mechano-Egg (not advised), but it also can be played defensively to help a big minion be more manageable. 
  • Crystology finds a lot of the cheaper, larger health mechs. More importantly, it provides the card draw needed in Paladin. 
  • Flash of Light not only does this provide a desperate card draw, it also helps provide up to 8 damage when needed by healing for 4, flipping it with Crazed Alchemist, and targeting it with Blessed Champion. Often times in the end game, this card comes into handy to either save us or to win the game. 
  • Galvanizer Do not need more than one in the deck as you often cycle through your hand so quickly that you run out of notable targets. Really, you get value from it by simply getting a stronger curve or by having Skaterbot, Glow-Tron cast for free. This is huge when you are setting up a reversal + Blessed Champion combo. 

Strategy, Gameplay, Mulligans: