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New Taunt Druid

  • Last updated Aug 28, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Taunt Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 9460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/15/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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WARNING: it has come to my attention this combo does not work how the text imply's Da Undatakah's death and subsequent revival makes another Lucentbark for some reason.

this wont be as capable as the wild variant but if your enemy doesn't run Hex, Polymorph, and a lot of Silence then this deck will drag your enemy into hell

your deathrattles are Lucentbark, Abomination, and Rotten Applebaum. when these three die then your Da Undatakah can only be removed from the board via Hex, Polymorph, and a lot of Silence because Lucentbark makes it so everytime you restore 5 health Da Undatakah revives. Abomination gives constant boardclear and enemy health pressure while Rotten Applebaum gives you the 5 health needed to revive your Da Undatakah.

but you dont want only one Da Undatakah or the enemy will have an easy time dealing with it so make more via Augmented Elekk and Baleful Banker combo, Faceless Manipulator, and Gloop Sprayer when you have 2 Da Undatakah on board.

In addition you dont want enemy minions ignoring your Da Undatakahs so theres plenty of ways to give minions taunt

The benefit this has over heal druid is that this deck doesnt run a bunch of garbo heal cards just to enable 2-3 cards. all this deck needs is one heal deathrattle freeing up slots for better cards.

New in saviors of uldune:

ive replaced Deranged Doctor with Rotten Applebaum because turn 8 is when you want to summon Lucentbark.

Keeper Stalladris replaced with Untapped Potential since its more efficient

Worthy Expedition squeezed in to make all 'choose one' cards accessable from this deck(might save you if you need that 1 extra heal that Rotten Applebaum cant get you)

Cards worth considering:

Witching Hour + Predatory Instincts + Witchwood Grizzly powerful wall you can build relatively early but takes alot of card slots and you need to be careful with your Augmented Elekk and if you decide to use Mark of the Loa to summon Raptors

Alexstrasza can act as an emergency heal or an 8 mana deal 15(ish) damage

Starfall more clear and combos pretty well with Untapped Potential