"Patron" Warrior is back! Underbelly Ooze Combo!
- Last updated Apr 14, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 13 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Patron Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 5360
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/14/2019 (Rise of Shadows)

- MarkMcKz
- Registered User
- 11
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The goal of this deck is to use Underbelly Ooze like Grim Patron!
There are very few board clears in standard right now so this actually works surprisingly well!
Good luck!
My version is way better than this. See decklist here...https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1273425-oozing-control-warrior
see proof here...http://imgur.com/KGsV117
needs gunspyre for the real memes.
I switched out the x2 improve moral for x2 charge works really good in the deck
easy legend! thanks m8
Tried it out and while it's fun in theory it will never be succesful. The old Grim Patron was 5 mana 3/3 where this is a wooping 7 mana for a 3/5. The high cost is a huge disadvantage and even more importantly Grim Patron reads "whenever this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron" meaning a fresh new 3/3. Thhe Underbelly Ooze is vastly different since surviving damage will just add an exact copy of it's current stats, so copies will have diminishing hp.
I didn't realize until now that underbelly ooze was 7 mana lol wtf
I’ve played at least 10 games with this deck and lost all of them someone please help maybe im just playing the deck wrong?
this is a meme deck
Wait … the whole deck is built around an ooze xD ?!
This deck is a lot of fun, but I had to make a small change in order to find consistent success, I switched out the 0 cost inner rage for 2 cruel taskmaster cards, and it works a lot better without losing those effects
Looks like a fun deck! Might give it a shot some time.
Would Vargoth or Leeroy Jenkins (or both) be a good substitute for Grommash?
Pretty decent deck, but i have this strong feeling it lacks minion cards, to many spells for the minions u have. U can't use these spells if ur minions get killed easily.