[RoS] Anti-Meta Battlecry Shaman
- Last updated Apr 19, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 16 Minions
- 13 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 11760
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/14/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- Gamerman
- Registered User
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Hi people. It's been a long time i'm not creating any cool decks cos previous expansions, metas were too boring imo. And trying new cards and playing current meta seemed way better to me. So i tried a few classes for a week now and the most i liked is clearly the shaman. So i build this anti meta deck and it works so good for me atm.
Acidic Swamp Ooze: There are many bomber warriors, thief rogues, secret paladins, mech and spell hunters around atm. So Ooze fits perfect for any anti-meta decks atm. 3/2 body for 2 mana is good even if you face a class without weps.
Swampqueen Hagatha: I really instantly became a fan of this new shammy legendary card. It's very well designed and can be so useful for any kind of situations. You can find another board control spell against aggro decks. You can make her discover The Storm Bringer and even if you have an empty board you can summon a totem the turn after and get two legendaries. You'll also get a free copy with Shudderwock.
!! 5 legendaries combo !!: If you can discover Rain of Toads first and The Storm Bringer after, summon a totem on the next turn first then play the horror you created. Even if your board is empty you'll instantly get 5 legendaries!.
Hagatha the Witch: If you survive to turn 8 and have some nice hp playing this, your winrate against any fast deck will be really nice. And spell generation will be crazy.
Walking Fountain: This big dude is another shammy class cards came with Rise of shadow expansion. It's pretty cool cos you can heal your hero for 8 and kill up to 2 enemy minions. If this survives you may have a chance to go 8 face damage even more with some buffs.
Shudderwock: This deck proves that Shudder is not dead and out of meta yet. This dude can still do some amazing end game tricks.
REPLAYS (Ranked games only);
really really fun deck! you guys can see the "5 legendary minions combo" on my replay, tons of fun :D
What about Sludge Slurper? I feel like that's excellent value
2 Blazing Invocation gives 2 Swampqueen Hagatha, that is crazy good !
Witchwood Piper Looks Better Than Novice Engineer
I love it all except the bomb lifedrinker package, I think I would add he big frog to get more value out of all those spells
What would you replace for Krag'wa, the Frog?
could you finish off the rest of the guide when you have the time (muligan etc)! would be excited and useufl to read! thanks in advance
Love it so far. Thanks.
No chance vs warrior but I am not facing too many at the moment
Thank you too for feedback pal. Against control warrior yes, you'll have trouble, but you can win against bombers if you play a little carefully by destroying their wep in time and stop shuffeling with your spells. Good luck.
Awesome deck. Just played a few games in Rank 5 but didn't lose any of them. I'll update this post later with my winrate and rank. I was wondering if anyone thinks Archivist Elysiana would help this deck in any way? I see a lot of other control-like shaman decks using the card and I think it can be a big help in late-game fatigue. Lmk what you think
She's a must in these control decks.
I am not so sure actually. Even if you include it you wil still struggle vs other control decks, like warrior for instance, because they run it too anyway so it will not give you any advantage. I think that this deck is good versus aggro decks like druid and rogue but if the meta switches to more control, this deck will not be so good anymore.
Yup you will own almost all aggro druids and rogues and most of bomb warriors with this deck. But i lost all my 3 games against control warrior which is ridiciliously op atm. And no Archivist Elysiana will be waste in this deck cos this is not a control type deck, more like midrange. Some tricks can make you win fast.
Elysiana will give some advantage because you get her twice with shuddered I and she can clear their bob a out of your deck
Very good deck, destroys bomb warrior with ease (so far played 6 games won 5 of them) only lost to a Murloc Shaman due to having very bad draws that game...
Hi pal, nice to hear you are doing good playing this. Yep if you play a smart early game, you can own them. Here one i won today;
destroying their op weapon with Acidic Swamp Ooze and stopping Augmented Elekk with Earth Shock or Hex in time is important. then you'll have a good chance to start your own tricks.
Yep Indeed now after 10 games 80% winrate,
I did switch out the far sights with one Witch's Brew and one Krag'wa, the Frog , so I could heal my hero up twice.
Also noticed that it's really important to look out for Steal rogue, Lost a game due to attrition (rogue shuffled 20 cards extra in her deck) would ve won otherwise.
All in all good deck, still trying out some minor changes!
+1 for you sir.
what the point of Far Sight?
Drawing a card? For example; wouldn't you like to play Hagatha the Witch on turn 5 against aggro decks?
Farsighted should be in ever control shaman deck imo. It’s greAt to lay if you have no play and swing the game later with a big tempo play, also great as a 0 mana draw when you are urgently digging for A removal to play on the Same turn