Big Paladin
- Last updated Apr 12, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 13 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 21700
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/12/2019 (Rise of Shadows)

- theremon
- Registered User
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Hey guys, I'm currently tinkering around with a Big Paladin deck that uses the new Card Duel! to cheat out huge minions and the Call to Adventure to tutor Barnes.
I will share my stats when I'm at home and also write a guide regarding mulligan and matchups if enough people are interested.
I was thinking of doing something like this. Does it work at all or is just a waste of time and effort?
Well, gotta admit it's not the best. Not even close to Big Priest. Also I've already swapped out Kel'Thuzad since he's horrible to get from Barnes. I'd put in Rag Lightlord, but I don't have him. Sad thing, Rag pulled from Duel doesn't attack because it's a "can't attack" minion :( Anyway, if it works, it does well. Keep your hopes up to get Sylv from Barnes against Big Priest.