- Last updated Apr 14, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 12 Minions
- 16 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 10160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/12/2019 (Rise of Shadows)

- B1TZ
- Registered User
- 1
- 3
- 16
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To check the ideas of the deck follow me on twitter / twitch, where I explain the basic concepts to execute the strategies.
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Upon arriving at 20+, I will do a tutorial described about mulligans, when to keep the letter and when to drop just to have a body on the table, etc.
Hi guys, I updated the deck to version 2.0
Link: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1266099-b1tz-the-new-control-warrior-2-0
Mirror is not always an auto lose without brew master though! I won several mirror matches by heckleboting their brewmaster/elyse :D
This deck -really- needs at least one owl, better 2. Sometimes you just can't win at all without silence and most of the time it's useful as soft removal
Can you give an example?
Buffed hyena, magnetic mech, trees, priest insane OTK next turn, etc etc etc...how long have you been playing this game? 2 days?
meta changes, but 1 owl is absolute must in any meta in CW build. Today had quite good success running just 1 copy of owl
Brew master is absolute super greedy trash in this deck... In 75% it's a tech against mirror, those matchups are so rare and so extremely boring I better just concede if they run brew master, saves time. There is a chance to use it against bomb warrior to nuke bombs, but again it's problematic - don't want to lose ur value cards(boom, assembly, etc)
I've been running into mirror non stop today. Just played a game that went 45 minutes and lost because my opponent had brewmaster, but I agree it feels like you just should concede as soon as you see the mirror with how boring and long that match is going to go.
I mean there are many ways to deal with that in the deck already. I have played a similar deck from rank 10 to 5 the last couple of days and I did not feel any need for owls.