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Dragon Warrior To Beat the Bomb

  • Last updated Apr 12, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 11240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/11/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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Bear with me, some of the jankier choices (ONE SHIELD BLOCK?!?!?!) will be explained.

Trump just put out a video on Dragon Warrior calling it "Super Insane Value Levels", but ironically, he chose the least value-producing version of the deck.  Yes, he has the Assemblies and Roars, but he skips the Firetree WItchdoctors and Scaleworms (which kill a lot of juicy 3/3 and 3/4 rogue minions) in favor of more control options.

Dragon Warrior is a rare type of deck that can play the value game without having to go full control.  In fact, the value generation goes hand in hand with excellent tempo play if you're willing to embrace a more minion-focused strategy.

This version of Dragon Warrior is designed to be as strong as possible against Token Druid and Tempo Rogue, but NEVER drop a game against Bomb or other Dragon Warriors.  Aside from drawing 5 bombs with 18 cards left in the deck, I have not lost to any warrior matchup with this.

The reason this deck excels against other warriors is that most people will be netdecking the more Control version of the deck, dropping dragon synergies and Ysera for Brawls, another Shield Block, and in some cases, another Devastator and a third weapon removal in the form of Harrison Jones.  This version will nearly always win against the more controlling Dragon Warrior because it simply presents more threats and draw less cards.

You will nearly ALWAYS go to fatigue against the mirror.  And you are better equipped to win the game.

The last reason you want to use this version is that the Jepetto Hunter deck is lurking on the ladder from time to time.  Having the additional threats make that matchup a lot safer, as you can prevent early damage and actually pressure his life total, as opposed to sitting back with 2 brawls in hand waiting for him to burn you out.



ONE Shield Block

Believe it or not, I wasn't looking for a way to get the second copy in, I was looking for a way to get the first copy OUT.  This is the 30th card in the deck, and I highly recommend taking it out if you want to add another Devastator or perhaps a Dragonmaw Scorcher.  However, I ended up leaving one in because the two Weapons Projects were not enough to fuel the Shield Slams on their own.  DO NOT PLAY THIS SHIELD BLOCK AGAINST WARRIOR.  Every single card you can avoid drawing is vital.

Firetree Witchdoctor AND Scaleworm

The key difference in this version of the deck.  Firetree really shines when you can pull another Assembly or Dragon Roar, but even if you aren't that lucky, having a turn 2 tempo play can be huge and perhaps pulling another removal can be good against a wide variety of decks.

Scaleworm is very good against tempo rogue.  You can take out Fences, SI Agents, and Wolves without having your creature die, meaning that your opponent will have to take 5 to finish him off.  Yes, I know they run Burglar which can straight trade, but try not to hit him first.

Archivist Elysiana

This is no longer an optional include.  And it is not here to erase bombs.  You have to out armor and weapon destruct the bomb game, because this card is reserved for the turn you run out of cards.  You need every turn of fatigue in the mirror, and the only circumstance you play this before your deck is completely gone is if you have multiple bombs and fewer non-bomb cards.


First and foremost, this is simply the 7th dragon of the deck (counting roars as one).  Statistically, you would really like to have 8 in order to have a good chance of having one in hand by turn 2, but I can't find a spot for the Dragonmaw Scorcher that would inevitably fill the 8th dragon slot.  Beyond that, Ysera is missing from a lot of popular lists, which means the opponent may not save a shield slam or execute effect for it.  Without those, Ysera is hard to clear from an empty board, and might actually stick.

Two Weapons Project

The two most popular classes are Warrior and Rogue.  You need weapon destruction for the Wrenchcaliburs, and hitting a Pick on your turn can destroy their tempo plays.  Don't be shy about bouncing a battlecry minion in rogue, the tempo gains are worth it.



Harrison Jones

Jones used to be in this deck in lieu of a 2nd Weapons Project.  After the 5th mirror matchup that went to at least 8th turn fatigue, I have decided that drawing cards is bad.  Jones is always good for an extra card against Rogue, but too much of a liability against Warrior.  Also, with only one Shield Block in deck, I need the armor gain from the Project.


I want to be the guy winning the board with creatures.  My creatures are in good shape to multi-trade against most of what is out there in the meta right now.  Brawl is too passive.

Baleful Banker

Yes, I'm serious.  If you find yourself having to Archivist early to avoid bombs, then this is an option to put a second one in your deck to fight the fatigue game as well.  So far, I have not needed to use this particular tech, but I'm including it here to note that this is the next level in anti-fatigue play.



This deck is very slow and methodical when it needs to be, and very aggressive and tempo-oriented when called for.  It does have weaknesses.  The resurrection Priest deck and the Khadgar summoner Mage can make you wish you had played Brawls.

If you start seeing a lot of those, by all means, change it  up.  But if the meta continues to have a glut of Rogue, Warrior, and aggro variants, this seems to be a well-targeted list.