[RoS] JustLeny's Halflock
- Last updated Apr 13, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 25 Minions
- 5 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Handlock
- Crafting Cost: 9500
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/11/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- JustLeny
- Registered User
- 9
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Total Deck Rating
Hello guys, and welcome to my first official decklist - HALFLOCK.
I have just reached 12 / 1 on current brawl with this deck - it really works! It is called HALFlock instead of HANDlock on purpose - you are not playing with this deck as normal handlock as you knew before.
If there will be enough upvotes i will add some muligan and how to play info. Had like over 40 games with this deck so far, it completly counters boom warrior. Keep in mind I am not english native speaker, I am from Poland, so if there are any mistakes - forgive me :)
Hope you will enjoy this deck! It is extremly fun to play, it keeps aggroing enough to do the pressure and it has epic-swarming late game... It is just great. :)
Have fun :)
Have you tried Jepetto Joybuzz? It helps draw Barista Lynchen and Omega Agent more consistently and can let you do the combo for 6 mana. It works well with Battlecries in general which this deck is full of and Dalaran Librarian can make the tokens big again.
Do I need bartista to be successful with this deck or kan I replace it with Elysiana
Those two has completly different mechanics, Barista works well with all of battle cries you have in this deck, she is especialy great with omega agent on turn 10, Elysiana in my opinion will be dead card in your hand for the most part of the game. This deck does not get to fatigue damage. If you want to play this deck, i would say she is like must have card.
Arcane Watcher is already there and it works pretty good :)
looks good ! would you consider Arcane Watcher?