Rank 1 legend EU Rise of Shadows Never Lackey
- Last updated Apr 25, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 15 Minions
- 13 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 10400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- Sezoklo
- Registered User
- 3
- 9
- 16
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Total Deck Rating
I wrote a new guide which doesn't run togwaggle, check it out, I think this list be the new hardcore nutjuice too! https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1271978-top-legend-nutjuice-tempo-rogue check it out and let me know what u think.
https://www.twitch.tv/sezoklo/clip/RoughPlainMomCharlietheUnicorn?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time <-- clip of me getting #1 legend day 1 Rise of Shadows.
Hi my name is Rens, probably better known as Sezoklo (this name doesn't mean anything, and no I am not Russian, I am from the Netherlands) and I play hearthstone way too much.
I've been playing on high legend ladder for quite some time right now and had a decent amount of high finishes as well. I stream almost every game I play on www.twitch.tv/sezoklo on a daily basis.
This is the first time I tried writing a guide and I want to do this more in the future so might as well start right now on day 1 of the year of the dragon. Feel free to give me advice or ask questions.
The rotation and new expansion Rise of shadows just hit and everyone wants to know what the best decks are, understandable.
Yesterday, the first day of the Rise of shadows I managed to hit rank 1 legend(eu, hardest server btw Kappa) playing a rogue deck which I think works really well, it probably still needs a lot of reworking and there might be better rogue lists out there already. The list felt solid, consistent and fun to play.
The mulligan is pretty interesting right now since everything has changed it's hard to tell what you're up against, I'll try to make it as clear as possible and again, this is day 1, I have my doubts about some cards, this deck isn't optimized and it will definitely see some changes.
Starting hand; a lot of people like to keep backstab, I would keep backstab in case I'm a 100% sure I face aggro or in case you can combo raiding party with it when you are not on coin, this means that most of the time when u face priest/warrior/druid you never keep backstab, you want to find bigger threats in the beginning vs these classes like Thug, Edwin when you have coin, dropping down a deckhand on turn 1 isn't bad vs warrior and priest either since they have a hard time removing it, also u want to have value vs the control match ups so keeping 1x raiding party is good, keeping myra's is good too.
Long story short; Keep deckhand vs warrior/priest, always keep thug, raiding party, Edwin on coin, myra's, ooze vs rogue's and maybe warriors.
Since there are a lot of rogue's on ladder 1x ooze is fine to run, I experimented this same list with Chef Nomi but it never worked out, I can see it work, but it's not consistent enough, especially with a lot of aggro on ladder it's bad.
This is a smorc list, don't feel bad for prepping a backstab sometimes just to make your Edwin bigger in case you don't have another spell to play. As soon as you've played your first raiding party and got the waggle pick you have to start smorcing. Drawing the waggle picks without using raiding party is the worst thing that can happen, so in case u have 1 waggle pick already and you are holding on to a raiding party, make sure to play(combo) the raiding party asap since you really don't want to top deck the 2nd waggle pick. Raiding party and the dread corsairs can cause super powerful swing turns, for example:(4mana) prep>raiding party>equip waggle pick>free corsairs>turn after Captain Greenskin.
Waggle pick is an interesting weapon, since it can backfire as well, imagine having a thug on board and the weapon equipped, u don't want to return the thug obviously. Cards u want to return might be Edwin in some combo turns, deckhand isn’t always bad, EVIL miscreant is the nuts to return most of the time and Leeroy of course.
The waggle pick is 1 of the reasons why I started running Ooze as well, destroying the weapon and returning 1 of your opponent's minions like dread corsair or thug is pretty good and slows down your rogue opponent a lot.
So, there is no doubt EVIL miscreant is a good card, the lackeys are really good, I wouldn't keep EVIL miscreant in my starting hand though(EDIT: KEEP IT ON COIN ALWAYS, NO COIN NEVER KEEP), I've tried that a couple of times but it's a bit slow and you never want to tempo it out without combo'ing it.
Lackeys 1 mana 1-1's:
- Goblin Lackey “Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +1 attack and rush".
- Ethereal Lackey “Battlecry: Discover a spell" this card discovers a spell from your own class, in this case rogue, rogue spells are good.
- Faceless Lackey "Battlecry: summon a random 2-cost minion" just don't summon doomsayer 4Head.
- Kobold Lackey "Battlecry: Deal 2 damage"
- Witchy Lackey "Battlecry: Transform a friendly minion into one that costs (1) more”.
So, because of the Lackeys, in my opinion I think it's not bad to run HeistBaron Togwaggle, the treasure is really powerful and who doesn't like RANDOM legendaries? I am not going to say that Heistbaron is a good card, the card feels fine to me and I guess I just like treasure, if u manage to get 1 of the treasures the card is worth running. A big downside to the card is that sometimes it's just a 6 mana 5-5 because you need a Lackey on the board to trigger the battlecry.
I am still experimenting with the card and so far, it didn't let me down as much as Chef Nomi did. There are probably better cards to run, but again, the meta is fresh and things will change.
Myra's can potentially draw 10 cards, and some decks run Academic Espionage to repack your deck.
It's a double edged sword, but potentially can give you all cards to have the ability to finish them off in next couple turns.
I agree though, it's not the best in this deck, with 0 sustain.
Prep + Myra's costs 2 mana... After you draw your entire deck, you have 8 mana left over to fish for lethal, OR to pressure them to finish off within the next ~2 turns. Myra's is used for finishing off your opponent.
It may have won me more games, than any other card? You often get in situations when you just run out of steam and that's gg, your opponent has 10-15 Hp and you have no way to finish him. With Myra's you get to draw up to 10 cards and that's more than enough to finish your opponent with a deck like this one.
I replaced 1x Eviscerate for 1x Cursed Castaway. I kept drawing all my pirates and topdecking spells when I didn't need them so for me this version works pretty well! Provides some extra draw which can be clutch in some games.
What card can be replaced by Chef Nomi? Is it a good move? I like that card and I can see it be combo played with Myra's Unstable Element.
Togwaggle for sure, he kinda slow and is really rare to proc, instead chef nomi can be a nice combo with Myra's like you say
Unfortunately Chef Nomi is very slow. I really like this card and combination with her, but it's too slowly.
Try to cut one Deadly Poison or just don't use Acidic Swamp Ooze. Ooze good in mirror (if u can find it without a sprint) , a bit worse against warrior and not that good against others.
See a lot of comments "this or that card is slow" mb #141artyomchelovekjust want to play different, he asked a direct question!
GO AHEAD #141artyomchelovek cut this green monster from the deck. I'am with you!
P.S. U can find me on rank 15 (joke) .
From Rank 7 to Legend (First-time, came back to HS this month) in two-three days.
49W22L - Total Winrate of 69%
Went on 6 Win-Streak R1 to Legend. OMG.
Cheers for the deck
cut the ooze and the heistbaron with a thalnos + fan of knives
i find the heistbaron too slow and it's a dead card most of the time.
passed the rank 3 with this list without loosing
Got legend with almost this exact decklist except I have one shadowstep instead of ooze...
Heistbaron has carried me many times on my climb.. It's never a dead card for you can just play it as a 5/5 body which has won me games aswell, but when you curve into that heistbaron + prep + whatever treasure you choose, you just outright win the game most of the time..
bloodmage thalnos + fok is teching too hard for aggro matchups imho.. Id rather have another minion that can pressure warriors than a thalnos.. This deck already does well vs aggro
Can someone tell me, how to play againts token druid? Should i go face fast or trade? Because if i trade, i dont have cards to kill them in the end...
Trade like crazy, while trying to build a board and then concentrate on going face. It's a tricky MU, as it all boils down on denying Token Druid's board for the first 4-5 turns. After that it's about monitoring your turn and guessing if he has lethal yet.
It's about judging the tempo and board - you can have a stable situation and neglect his board at one point to force your opponent to trade (if he starts trading it means he doesn't have lethal and he's in survival mode).
Sometimes though you just straight die. Vanish tech is nice, but it's a temporary solution.
Thanks - the problem starts when he use The Forest's Aid...
Just draw man, at least for me when I pick some druid is just luck, whatever who had the most offensive begin, at turn 3-4 probably will win... don't try cleaning the fucking table, because you cant win that way, just rush trade face to face and take some risks, will be necessary, clean when be worth it and I think it just this
You keep raiding parties, as token druid is not as fast as people think.. Raiding party is almost always a keep anyways
This is really crazy, 5 games, 5 Token Druids :D
HI I want to try this deck, but I have all the card except Myra's Unstable Element.
Is that a must have card in the deck ? if not which card should i replace with? draw 4 cards?
Thanks thanks
I would say Myra's is an absolute must have in this deck...
You can't win w/o Myra. This is a face deck (not a completely brainless one, but still a face deck) and Myra will get you lethal more times than you can imagine.