Whizbang for Fun and Profit
- Last updated Apr 10, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 1 Minion
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Brawl: The Standard Brawliseum
- Crafting Cost: 1600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2019 (Rise of Shadows)

- Fluxflashor
- Registered User
- 31
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- 694
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lol 5-3 and just wanted to finish this brawl and get my pack for 0 wins xD
8-3 thnx :D
6-3 on the first run, very fun to play.
4-3 Good for me XD
3 wins in a row, then 3 loss in a row...
very bad. Not fun
I agree
6-3, won 3 games with Khadgar mage :D
3 Wins . 2 of the wins came from the dragon warrior deck and 1 came from the token druid. All three of the losses were because I got the shit shaman deck and didn't draw any cards under 5 cost even after mulligan so I was behind on tempo before I even started.
Best golden craft for sure
7-3 :)
Yea fun instead of playing with same deck.
9/3 thx xD
this card is trash, no one craft it like I did. . . twice
Sounds like someone got Whizbanged.
1/3 but im happy
1/3 and I am not happy
indeed, it's a good card for new comers and causal players!!
for me it's only enjoyable for the 1st month of every expansion
Played my first 3 matches with deathrattle priest aganist 3 murloc shaman. If you are wondering why i'm not mentioning about my 4th game, it's because i couldn't play my 4th game.
3200 dust golden whizbang btw.
This deck should cost 3200 dust u.u