Dragon Paladin - 82% winrate to rank 5 from 15
- Last updated Apr 9, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 8660
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- Mobisx
- Registered User
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Absolute sleeper deck. Dragons get absolutely massive. Spell generation with witchdoctors are great, lots of anti aggro tools. Tons of Thekal synergy. Drawing thekal is basically an auto win. Most aggro decks in standard atm are using 2 health so consecration knocks them out. No 1-drops but the deck heavily makes up with it with rush and tons of life regen. CAll to adventure for Kangor is always huge, especially if paired with Lightforged Blessing. Will make full guide at 25 upvotes.
Made a couple changes to improve board survivability and the mid-game problem of just upgrading hand dragons.
Added: Never Surrender!, Cathedral Gargoyle x2, Aldor Peacekeeper x2, Harrison Jones, Zilliax and one more Nightmare Amalgam
Removed: blessing of kings, 1 dragon speaker, both glowstones, arena fanatic, twilight drake, and the two wyrmguards.
I'm still getting board control early on, have confidence in the mid-game grind, and have enough tricks to survive through and win around turn 9-11.
I've beaten druids, warriors (lots), priests, and rogue so far (10 games)
The complete lack of ANY 1-mana dragon card hampers most dragon decks.
Great replacements! I tried it myself and am enjoying the aggro archetype much more.
i've been beating this deck with my warlock
There are better Dragon Pally decks out there, play them.
Can you post links to them? Wanna play
Very greedy deck that is slow to get started. Almost no early game. No early taunts. Call to Adventure, Arena Fanatic, and Glowstone Technician are too slow and could be cut to provide some early defense. Could swap in a couple Cathedral Gargoyle at a minimum.
Played around 8 games, lost a few stars due to aggro decks running over me.
Switched 2nd Glowstone Technician for Harrison Jones because of Warriors and Rogues.
Also don't have 2nd Crowd Roaster, so I slotted in a Cathedral Gargoyle. It's a good pull with Call to Adventure and all the other handbuffs.
Going pretty solid so far. And even if it wasn't, it's a lot of fun! :D
Don't waste your dust or time with this deck. Went from rank 5 to 9 losing 70%~ of my games. NO removal and control absolutely has game by turn 8-9.
5 to 9? So you can lose ranks now at rank 5
0-10 lost at rank 15. Every deck kill u in 7 round. Dont waste your time...
No 1-cost minions and only three 2-cost minions feels like you'll be dead most games before you get rolling. Warrior is the hot new thing.
Sorry, but 0-10 with any deck says more about the player than the deck.
hah...good joke. U have never tried this deck i guess.
It honestly sounds like you don't understand how to pilot the deck....currently rank 1 and im 16-3 with this deck....
This is very ok, control match ups are a disaster though.
Damn this deck is ridiculous :)))
0-4 so far get rekt, either arggo has me kill before turn 5 or control just remove
No removals?
Dont have Nozari, added Ysera. VERI NIIICE