Malygos OTK Hunter
- Last updated Apr 9, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 4 Minions
- 25 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 9280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/9/2019 (Rise of Shadows)

- CzechCloud
- Pro Player
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This deck is fun. I started this month on rank 13. now im rank 9 with 27 games. 18-9
It doesn´t have the best win rate but it´s so much fun to Alexstrasza your opponents face and melt them with Malygos. 1 mana Vereesa Windrunner isn't bad either
I run a version with some secrets and I have to say; Freezing Trap is pretty good in this meta. Good vs Edwin VanCleef, Mountain Giant etc..
Hecklebot screwed me over a few times. So if you have the chance to play Master's Call, do it
Spellward Jeweler never seen this card in play.
This deck is really fun! Definitely helps if you high roll and do not draw your dragons before Jepetto. But even if you do, you still have Vereesa Windrunner to buff your spells and get you the win.
What happens if you get Alexstraza and Malygos in your opening hand? Instant lose?
Concede happens :D This deck is purely meemish and does not hold a fight vs any ladder deck -
bomb warrior - lose in 95% cases
tempo rogue - lose in 75% cases
big mage - lose in like 80% cases
etc... etc... etc...
this deck can maybe win vs some slow ass/no armor decks, sometimes u can get unexpected meemish lethals if u highroll
Sir, I got rank 8 using nothing but this deck all the way from rank 20 after not playing for a while. Never tell me the odds.
16-4 Vs warrior even :)
I must say I have some changes in this deck, and I don't even have Alextrasza crafted so my deck is weaker... I do have a secret package with Eaglehorn Bow as well though
Also I run double master's call x)
Masters call for what lol
To grab Jepetto, ideally.