Reno (Anti-Big-Priest) Druid
- Last updated Mar 30, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 26 Minions
- 3 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Druid
- Crafting Cost: 18720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/28/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- Esparanta
- Registered User
- 4
- 28
- 49
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You face Big Priest every-time? You detest Big Priest and want to spit out their faces? I wholeheartedly hate them and this is what I come with: A Reno Druid deck that pollutes their resurrect pool while using Recruit mechanic.
You can defile the Res-Pool of Big Priests by utilizing Gravelsnout Knight/Saronite Taskmaster/Weasel Tunneler/Marsh Drake/Hungry Dragon/Muck Hunter/Hungry Ettin/Marin the Fox. So, you have eight minions that can mess up Res-Pool of Big Priests. Just kill the minions summoned from these and relax. You might notice that I didn't add Leeroy Jenkins/Tinkmaster Overspark/The Beast to my deck. It's because I don't have these cards, but if you do, add them to punish Big Priests hard.
Just like how Big Priests Recruit minions via Y'Shaarj, you can Recruit minions via Master Oakheart/Silver Vanguard/Grizzled Guardian/Guild Recruiter/Oaken Summons. With these cards, you race the board far better than anyone else. Recruit mechanic can also be considered as draw-a-card because it pulls out unnecessary cards from your deck to reach out core cards such as Reno or N'Zoth.
If we put aside Big Priest match-ups, this deck can put up a good fight against certain archetypes such as:
- Fatigue/Mill: Astral Tiger will be your answer. Weasel can go back and forth to either decks so this cute little fella helps you block your fatigue, too. If these minions are summoned via N'Zoth, you will be ahead when it comes to fatigue battle.
- Control: You will beat these kind of players, without a doubt. You exhaust them with your Recruit strategy (check above), Taunt strategy (Hadronox), Fatigue strategy (check above), and Deathrattle strategy (N'Zoth).
- Aggro: There are AOE cards such as Explosive Sheep/Unstable Ghoul/Fatespinner and well-known Starfall/Swipe. These cards also hard-counter Odd Paladins, so that you can kill their little dudes to finish them off. Look for these cards alongside Reno during Mulligan Phase, and you will be just fine.
- Combo: With new revision, there is no anti-Combo tool. Since this deck was revised to beat Big Priests even better, you need to stick with this deck if you encounter less Big Priests but more of Combo decks:
Just to note: You have 4 x 1-atk, 4 x 2-atk, 5 x 3-atk minions. So, you can Recruit three minions via Master Oakheart most of your games since this deck is based on Recruit mechanic. Also, the reason I didn't include Ramp cards such as Wild Growth/Jade Blossom is to not slow myself down. When I tested this deck with Ramp cards, I had to cut some minions. Therefore, I couldn't use full potential of Recruit mechanic or Master Oakheart, and what is the point of going ahead a Mana when I can cheat out four or more Mana-worthy minion?
Finally, the moment we are waiting for: A Downfall of Big Priest. Please, watch the video:
Have any questions? Ask me anytime. You like the deck? Just up-vote. You dislike the deck? Just down-vote. And, most importantly, have fun!
Played 6 games, 4 against Big Priest. Lost all of them. Nice idea anyways, just not good enough
It's alright. Thanks for the feedback. The reason you lost these games might be due to Recruit mechanic? If so, go all-in with Big Priest tech cards.
I have slept while I'm watching the video.
but literally... after 12th min. I was awake since night.
but a cool deck. gratz :)
Uhmm...? Poison seeds in anti-bigpriest? Or is that a bad idea in a deathrattle deck?
In all honesty, I forgot to add it in my deck. Since you mentioned it, you can use Poison Seeds if you wish.
If they get barnes into Ragnaros or Ysharg you lose. Being an "anti-big priest" deck doesn't change that.
Certainly. But, in this deck, I think I did my best. In fact, all classes can fight against Big Priest well if they use tech-cards against them.
If you get turn 4 Poison Seeds, that changes that.
What about jade idol do you think that it might be better option than astral tiger since people now rarely use geist.
Nope. Because this isn't Jade Druid. And, if you concern about Fatigue, Tiger/Weasel is enough. Even better, add Malorne, or check this deck that stands well vs Fatigue.
jade idol is almost useless without tones of draw (gadgetzan or UI)
why the hell would i want to vanguard into a Marin?!
This deck is based on Recruit mechanic, with counters to Big Priest. You face Big Priests? Well, keep him in hand to summon a chest. Otherwise, 6/6 body isn't that bad to Recruit. Or, swap with Sneed. Otherwise, check this deck that utilizes Recruit mechanic as a whole.
I decided to play some other anti big priest deck several weeks ago.
Didn't encounter even a single big priest for many games......
Guess i got tired of playing ranked so much i'm in a range where they don't exist.
That happened to me, too. When I made this deck and started playing with it, I rarely encountered them, and the video I recorded was one of them. Like, out of 25 games, I faced one. Otherwise, I face lots of them.
So much Wild Big Priest on rank 10........ Makes me so fcking angry!
Patience, brother!
i saw anti-big priest in the title and I instantly upvoted. We need more of these!!
That's true! Also, thanks for the up-vote!