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Greymane's Garrison

  • Last updated Mar 29, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 30 Minions
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Even Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 10080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/24/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
View in Deck Builder
  • kunix
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- - -   Greymane's Garrison   - - -

- Greetings! - 

- This be my interpretation of an Even-shaman with a lot of board-fill and board-buff - 

Corpsetaker is a quite useful card and is supported mostly by Al'Akir the Windlord and Vicious Scalehide for lifesteal and windfury and notice that taunts are the most numerous in the deck, so you can almost always expect atleast the taunt-bonus when playing Corpsetaker

- As board-buffs we have Dire Wolf AlphaLost Spirit, Master Swordsmith and Sneaky Devil which will provide your minions with lots of attack - 

- Illidan Stormrage and Necrotic Geist are used for their ability to board-fill quickly thus improving the use of Sea Giant even more -


 - - -


The Lich King takes care of that extra late-game punch and should be in every Even-deck in my honest opinion, although you could change him or perhaps Illidan Stormrage to Hagatha the Witch for more card draw since this is a shaman-deck -


- Defender of Argus could be strong board-boost and great for blocking, but it could be replaced by Spellbreaker or Hex for some more control and just imagine what you can do with cards like 2x Sea Giant or 2x Omega Defender + Defender of Argus and the loads of more possibilities there is to bestow taunt upon -


- Cult Master is the card I chose instead of the above and with good use for some more active card-draw and good synergy with Illidan Stormrage and Necrotic Geist and could therefore also replace Omega Defender if you don't like waiting until 10 mana for full benefit, although keep in mind that they're arguably good finishers with their 12/6 stats buffed - 


- Also, Sunwalker could be switched with Argent Commander for that extra charge and still be a bonus for Corpsetaker with its divine shield -  


 - All-in-all, keep your board flooded and keep aiming for face as much as possible, taking in count how much damage your opponent has vs. how much you can endure and inflict when leaving as many of your opponents minions as possible for max damage output -

- This strategy should overwhelm most decks, but watch out for board-clear, although do not save cards for later use if you can play them for the deck should have enough board-fill with this setup as is, just trust in your cards -  


- The deck works alright in Standard rank 16 so far and is still climbing - 


- Let me know what you think, like and dislike about this here tasty creation of a decklist - 

- Thanks! - 

- :o)