[Odd] Glitter Ripper
- Last updated Mar 14, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Combo Priest
- Crafting Cost: 6640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/12/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- FunkiMonki
- Registered User
- 8
- 17
- 46
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
If any of you have played Wall Priest, the strategy is very similar to that deck. Basically, you want to survive long enough to be able to pull off our combo of Glitter Moth plus Void Ripper. Ideally, we want Sleepy Dragon, Ysera, Witchwood Grizzly and Injured Blademaster to die throughout the game so we can resurrect them all with Lesser Diamond Spellstone and do our combo on the next turn. With the upgraded hero power we can stall until the late game pretty easily. Tar Creeper and Witchwood Grizzly are staple stall minions that we can use later to resurrect. We also have 2 copies of Glitter Moth in the deck, so don't be afraid to use one to buff up a single Tar Creeper or Witchwood Grizzly if you're facing aggro. One cool thing that Odd Priest can do is use Injured Blademaster and Binding Heal or our hero power for an early game board threat.
Against aggro/midrange: Northshire Cleric, Binding Heal, Holy Smite, Tar Creeper, Witchwood Grizzly, Mass Hysteria (Only keep Injured Blademaster if you have Binding Heal)
Against control: Shadow Word: Death, Glitter Moth, Lesser Diamond Spellstone, Psychic Scream
I hope you like this deck! As always feel free to ask any questions or leave a suggestion!
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And here is a lovely video by Tommy_Wave showcasing the deck:
played around 8 games with this deck. won 2. and the other 6 i didnt even had a chance of winning. played against priest, mage, warrior and hunter. how the hell do u manage do climb with this on ladder? if i find time to play HS im usually around rank 10-5. but this deck just seems very inconsistent and ... weak?
my main problem is, that i get killed before i can setup the combo or the combo is not enough or cant get through :(
Because we dont have access to Shadow Visions being an odd deck we have to be very particular about our mulligan. Sometimes its not even about getting our combo either, but rather to put up a bunch of high health minions to trade and stall with like against hunter for example. And against Priest for example, sometimes keeping those high cost minions like Ysera or Sleepy Dragon arent bad either.
mmhhh, ok mby ill try again, thx!
Been playing around with a slightly modified version of this deck, climbing surprisingly fast from 15 to 8 with hardly any losses. I've been seeing a lot of hunter and this just really messes with them, giant walls of nope. They spend so much burst cards (Kill command, weapons, ect...) trying to kill the taunts they can't finish me off by a long shot.
It doesn't do so well with control but it's still effective. Odd warrior seems to be a bit of a lost cause, but other than that it's competitive with most other decks.
that's awesome!! yeah, its very similar to wall priest with those big walls of nope lol but a way more fun win condition. You're absolutely right, that control warrior is the hardest. But that happens with every deck, to have those weak matchups. Best way to win is to bait out their removals then spellstone and hope they cant remove at least 2 of them.
lol the Moth just works on your onboard minions :) took me long time to discover..
haha yep! It's tough to know that since no one ever plays Glitter Moth!
Do you think there is room for Lady In White?
Its an odd deck, so probably: no
I am undecided. The idea of the deck is really fun, but so far I did not achieve much. 3 games in Standard at rank 12, lost against a Spell Hunter, a Deathrattle Rogue and a Mecha'thun Druid. Accidentally started a game in Wild where I am currently at rank 17 and won against a Secret Mage. Admittedly, in the wild game my starting hand was by far the best. Maybe after climbing to 10 in Standard I will try it out more.
This deck definitely does take practice! More so with the mulligan versus each kind of matchup. I still have a positive win rate at about ranks 5-3 so keep at it and I'm sure you'll get those wins! :)
I really appreciate that you respond to every single comment here. I will for sure try more games soon, since my dataset so far is really not so meaningful yet ;-)
I've been playing Priest since before Naxx came out and it was always my most loved class, hit Legend plenty of times with nothing but Priest, however I did 78 games so far and won only 4 of them at Rank 10 atm, so what practice do you need in order to actualy play win with this deck, the problem is for the past 5 days I've been playing this deck, I either get overrun before I can even use my revive or the board gets cleared the moment I use any of my revives thats literaly what happens in 90 % of the games, any suggestions about that
As good and fun of a combo as it is to be able to resurrect and then use Glitter Moth, sometimes you can win without the combo. Try looking for your 1/3/5 mana minions in your opening hand and Mass Hysteria vs aggro. Honestly, though, this will all change with the new expansion so if it's too frustrating I'd just hold off for some newer decks and a new meta. Im glad you tried it tho!
Problem for me is mostly sticking any minion at all on the board long enough to even attempt to buff it
Dang, I thought I was the only one trying to make Odd Priest work. However for my experiments I tried having minions early in the game with the dragon package along with Wyrmguard and without diamond spellstone. Your version here looks like it could actually work. Nice work!
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! Without Shadow Visions, Mind Blast, Mosh'Ogg Enforcer, Divine Spirit we have limited win conditions so if you choose to make an odd Priest deck without the spellstone you'll probably have a tough time closing out games. That's why I went the spellstone package to be able to have that late game finisher!
Thank you for the deck, i had a lot of fun playing with it !
you're welcome! I'm glad i could help :)