Gandhi NVR warlock
- Last updated Mar 25, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 20 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 9980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/10/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- Joker_HS
- Registered User
- 5
- 22
- 43
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Total Deck Rating
Hello everyone,
I want to share the new way to play hearthstone : the NVR or non violence revolution. We will make our opponent concede against the power of our love.
There is only one important rule : Never hurt your opponent with your minion or spell, just wait for concede or fatigue. You can trade minion but never go face.
You also cannot destroy your opponent with a mechatun or exodia deck. If your opponent lose it would be only by concede, or by damage taken by himself or by fatigue.
Card choices :
Dark Pact : sacrifice our Rin to be sure she won’t be silence.
Kobold Librarian : draw our Rin, help a better defile and buff the spellstone
Cheaty Anklebiter : buff the spellstone, help a crazy defile especially for howlfiend, treachery defile combo. Also gain lifesteal to Corpsetaker
Gnomeferatu : mill a card
Vulgar Homunculus : buff the spellstone, repop a taunt for the DK
Gluttonous Ooze : weapon breaker + Armor
Howlfiend : win condition vs OTK deck with Treachery !
Shadow Bolt : removal and defile helper
Stonehill Defender : increase our chance to get RIN faster
Treachery : win condition vs OTK deck with Howlfiend. Amazing combo with Doomsayer vs aggro decks.
Corpsetaker : taunt and lifesteal. Play her before draw Zilliax and Cheaty Anklebiter
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone : removal and lifesteal
Despicable Dreadlord : Amazing against aggro, he also helps for Treachery Howlfiend combo if he’s already on board.
Zilliax : lifesteal, removal and buff the corpsetaker
Rin, the First Disciple : Win condition vs every non OTK or aggro deck, don’t waste it if your opponent plays silence.
Siphon Soul : removal and HP
Twisting Nether : best removal of the game
Voidlord : If possible play it for the DK. Could be used as a fishbait if you can’t kill your own Rin. Indeed, your opponent will silence him and then you can play a safe Rin with no more silence.
Bloodreaver Gul'dan : fill you board (especially if you play Azari !), remove enemy minions heals you and also make coffee.
Important : Do not play Skull of the Man'ari cause it would play Azari and destroy your own win condition. Do not play Hellfire cause it would injure our opponent and this is definitely not what we want !
Discover the other NVR decks :
Warrior :
Druid :
And if you want more content or support me, it would be my pleasure if you subscribe here:
May the peace be with you !
Tommy Wave was interested in the NVR challenge ! here is his video !
Love the deck and the NVR challenge! Gave it a shot with both the Warrior and Warlock lists, check them out;
(Games start at 2:41)
Heres the Warrior games;
(Games start at 2:20)
Massive thanks for sharing such amazing decks and getting people to try something different! Stay Wavy!
I'm gonna try this just to annoy opponents non-violent way!
what can I use instead of corpsetaker? That's only 2 cards i dont have but im not gonna waste 800 dust for cards which are rotating out
Something defensive like Tar Creeper or Shroom Brewer.
You may want to replace Cheaty Anklebiter as well then, since I assume they're mainly in the deck to provide lifesteal for Corpsetaker. Plated Beetle is probably a decent replacement.
Edit: Or maybe the Anklebiter is useful for self-damage to upgrade your Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, since this deck isn't allowed to run Hellfire or Dread Infernal. In that case, don't replace it.
Indeed Cheaty Anklebiter was there to help Corpsetaker but also helps for a crazy Defile and good Howlfiend combo.
For the Lesser Amethyst Spellstone we just have 2 Kobold Librarian 2 Vulgar Homunculus and Cheaty Anklebiter.
You can try Tar Creeper but you won't have the 6 heal of the Corpsetaker. But you're right keep your dust for the next expansion ;)
Saronite Chain Gang sort of has the same abilities as Corpsetaker. Since you get two minions that more or less has the effect of both Windfury and Divine Shield (except for board clears).
If Rin gets silenced? - hope for another one from Stonehill? Can the deck win without her?
We need to be very careful about silence indeed. That's why we play dark pact and 2 spellstone. If you suspect your opponent to play a silence, we need to destroy her directly. As you understood, we play 2 stonehill for getting extra Rin.
The win without Rin is easy vs every aggro deck. Very easy vs combo with howlfiend. But very hard vs mid and control, you can try to outvalue them with the DK but indeed, you definitely should sacrifice her instantly with dark pact.
Thanks for replying and Explaining, I had overlooked killing my own Rin! It looks a fun deck and shall be putting it together and annoying people with it later tonight
I don't kill my own Rin only if I'm sure my opponent have to destroy her to hurt me on next turn. But most of the time i kill her as soon as possible to rush Azari. Except against OTK, Rin is our main win condition, we cannot waste her. Have fun spreading peace across the ladder ;)
I'm so happy to hear that dude! I've exactly the same feeling. Win in that conditions is the most enjoyable thing :)
If you want to push your experience, I've made another gandhi NVR deck with warrior, you can try it if you have the card :
Peace will triumph!
This deck is very fun! So far I've done 1 match, and did exactly what you said, only controlled the board, I did 0 damage to face. I won with Rin, destroyed opponents deck, and they had 0 cards 0 minions left and conceded :D Best feeling ever! I almost quit the game, found this deck and think I'll keep playing this style.