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[75% WR] TOP100 New Skool Jade

  • Last updated Mar 9, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 8 Minions
  • 21 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 8240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/9/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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You say druid is weak after nerfs? DEAD WRONG! 


 //////////////////  General

You know how jade works. Make dudes, maker bigger dudes, then MASSIVE DUDES. Ten outta ten. This deck is geared to win aggro. Your path will be paved with the dreams of all Hunters, Paladins and Rogues you have the pleasure to meet on ladder.

- New to jade druid? Never ever shuffle Jade Idol if you have deck left. Just don't. Shuffle it at the last possible moment, and only the second idol. In some matchups, for example against aggro, you won't shuffle at all.


 //////////////////  "Why are you NOT running..."

Naturalize? - Plenty removal without

Mulch? - Same as above

Nourish? - You wanna be doing powerful stuff, Nourish no longer feels powerful at 6 mana

Fandral Staghelm? - You want to quarantee taunt from Oaken Summons. Pulling Fandral t4 and dying t5 feels bad. Pulling 6 hp taunt feels good.

Starfall? - hugely inefficient. I never had any trouble against board flood decks like Shaman or Paladin. (Don't run this in druid please... Go the pyro route if you REALLY need mass aoe clear.)


 ////////////////// Quick and dirty mulligan guide

VS AGGRO, ALWAYS look for these two: Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Wrath! Once you got them, look for Oaken Summons. Against Paladin consider Swipe.

If you suspect your opponent to be  COMBO DECK, try to find as many dirty rats as possible before their KILL TURN. I usually full greed mulligan for Dirty Rat, then aggressively draw towards it if I miss it. Its better to have them at start than not to draw them.

Once you got these bases covered,  Jade generation cards are mmmh, so sweet. Jade Idol, Jade Blossom, essentially anything that says "jade" in it.

Control usally lets you play your own game. Just play powerful cards.


 //////////////////  Replacement

Ferocious Howl AKA "the 30th card": - This card feels majorly whatever. Can be replaced with basically anything. 

Zilliax: - I strongly support playing Zilliax in any deck, however, if your missing it or for some ungodly reason, don't like playing it *gasp*, feel free to replace.


  //////////////////  TL&DR

vs Aggro WrathLesser Jasper Spellstone

vs Other Jade IdolJade Blossom

Play jades, shuffle jades when deck is empty, draw jades, play jades.