Turn 3 Mechathun OTK
- Last updated Mar 9, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 4 Minions
- 26 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Mecha'thun Warlock
- Brawl: Brawliseum - Miniature Warefare
- Crafting Cost: 5760
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/7/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- gunnslave
- Registered User
- 1
- 21
- 30
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Attempt to get a turn 3 otk, most games easy win by turn 5.
Mulligan: look for Hemet, Jungle Hunter Witchwood Piper and Bloodbloom at the very least you want 1 of sense demons if possible
Ideal combo: Turn 1: Hemet Turn 2: Piper x2 turn 3: Bloodbloom Mecha Cataclsym combo
Edit fixed the lack of blood bloom and swapped some other cards
make sure you add bloodbloom...seems weird you mention it but then don't have it on here ;-)
Other suggestions -call of the void -2 demonfire -1 drain life -2 shadowbolt +2bloodbloom +2curse of weakness +2demonic project, reason being demonfires don't do much, drainlife and shadowbolt are too slow and curse of weakness can stall for combo in some cases, and demonic project and sometimes cause combo decks to concede if you hit their mechathun or malygos :)
Yeah demonfire definitely was weak. Definitely took those updates as well
Just had a great game with this...definitely loving the Demonic Project inclusion. I used it on a guy and he turned himself into Jaraxxus. Thought I was screwed. Life Tap into Sac Pact, lmao so great
Epic deck man